


Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 

E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: Friday, May 18, 2015

Many aspiring artist  are still sending in their demos and running to give their musical works away  hoping to make their dreams come true.
Although this may not happen to all who enter but let me be clear…this is what happens the majority of the time.
Basically, if you go near anyone associated with or in the music business…you should know that (without discussing anything with you and without any agreements) these men can tell the other reps that they own you and that they are supposed to get all of your royalties.
All of the fighting and violence that will and does occur behind the scenes is considered your fault; however, you are kept in the dark while others line up to do you harm. Incentives are offered for contributing to your hardships so that the truth ill die with you and the profiting can continue! 
If you are female and (especially, if you’re African American…no one will help you NO ONE).

Not the courts, not the system because all of those major entities control the millions of dollars derived from all works AND ‘THEY’ ensure that the violence touches many groups and cultures to prevent assistance and to induce public hatred toward you. 

There is no logical explanation as to how in 2015 men can simply take from women without consent or communication and this be acceptable…

Just like the cavemen, there does not have to be a relationship or communication.

You are blamed for all of the fighting and violence that will and does occur behind the scenes is considered your fault but you are kept in the dark. 

The men associated with or in the business (from the bottom to the top) know this so they enjoy robbing, raping and pillaging with impunity so therefore the last thing that they care about you or your well being in any way. The violence is then used to initiate some kind of process that is presented as some kind of protection (without your knowledge or consent). 
This alleged protection is only an another means for these entities to further victimize you and for them to profit from your ideas. It’s similar to some kind of Kleptocracy; which means, ‘under the rule of thieves!’
They treat the men like women too if they don’t fall in line or go along…


When the warring becomes excessive, you won’t be able to earn a living unless it it’s something illegal, disgusting and degrading (which further jeopardizes your well-being). 

You are blamed for all of the fighting and violence that will and does occur behind the scenes is considered your fault but you are kept in the dark.


The public works together out of hate or for revenge to justify the inhumanity because of  their losses even though you were the initial, intended victim. 
Most will run scared because of those in positions are corruptible or afraid because there are always monsters guarding the hundreds of millions of dollars involved.
Your college degree means nothing because they own the judicial system, the streets, your family, etc…Why attempt to blindly conduct business with this business without considering the tactics or methods used and reviewing actual proof? 


Most will let you learn on your own but you need to Learn what they don’t want you to know! 
Anything that you give to those producers or industry reps is just that…a gift because all of them are desperate and will do anything to get that money – YOUR MONEY! 
In the end you will be presented as simply a disgruntled artist when the truth is that nothing was ever discussed with you because the ‘system’ does not recognize the individual (especially, the female).




It doesn’t matter what group it is that you think that you belong to!

You are blamed for all of the fighting and violence that will and does occur behind the scenes is considered your fault but you will be kept in the dark.


Of course, in addition to being an unaligned African American female and conveniently the daughter of a man accused of killing a Detroit police officer, the system definitely refused to enforce any laws or stop any of the robbing, raping and pillaging on my behalf. 
Although many have protected themselves in every way (contracts, copyrights, legal representation, etc…), many
artist, writers and producers have been denied the opportunity to even pursue
their claims and are forced to fight everyone AND for their rights. 
I am not sharing my experience for sympathy but to let those aspiring artist, writers and producers that those rights that you are counting on having enforced are simply nonexistent when dealing with any multi-billion dollar industry known for not paying it’s people and a ‘system’ that allows it to operate with impunity.  
I want the rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the United State of America…that is to seek proper resolution without the mail-tampering, intimidation, violence and homelessness forced upon me. 



You can mess with them if you want to without studying the tactics and methods in any of the titles provided by SEVEN WEST PRODUCTIONS, LLC
That’s more help then I ever received from anyone…

You are blamed for all of the fighting and violence that will and does occur behind the scenes is considered your fault but you are kept in the dark while everything bad that can happen, does happen!


These titles are also in an eBook form available at:  

Invisible: Living in America without Rights!
That’s more help then I ever received from anyone…
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Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 

E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: Friday, April 22, 2015


Most people go about their business and daily grind without any issues, while others are subject to constant questionable violations. Most are able to mail simple packages worry-free and they have faith that their items will reach their destination whole and unhampered.
Well, I have definitely mentioned in previous posting that there have been issues with mail tampering but I guess since some find it easy to challenge the validity of previous claims since they were dated. In my opinion, it has become necessary to once again demonstrate that there are those who are and have been continually abusing their unwarranted access, positions and power to further hinder my efforts to obtain justice and resolution for continued allegations of corruption.
I RECENTLY DECIDED THAT I WILL CONTINUALLY, PERSIST WITH MY EFFORTS TO EXPOSE THE CONTINUED, DELIBERATE VIOLATIONS OF MY CIVIL RIGHTS, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENTS, AND MANY OTHER ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES, UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR AND MUCH MORE…I mailed very important a total of (4) four packages. (2) two on April 14, 2015 and another (2) two on April 15, 2015… Please review package and  tracking information below for proof of undeniably questionable mail tampering in 2015.
Although I have previously copyrighted materials in the past, I have never sent them REGISTERED and PRIORITY MAIL. REGISTERED MAIL is a service offered by the United States Post Office that is supposed to guarantee security of your package by keeping your package under lock and key during transit. REGISTERED MAIL service also requires a signature of each postal worker that comes in contact with your package during delivery.


Georgia Northern District Atlanta Division – Civil Action Fie No. 1:03-CV-0925-WSD
Tiwanda Lovelace, Pro Se Plaintiff
Dekalb County Police Department, Defendant
Hon. Judge William Duffey
This complaint alleges judicial misconduct and violations of civil right.



Tiwanda Lovelace, Pro Se Plaintiff
Zomba Music
Publishing, INC. and BMI, Defendant 
Hon. Judge Bernard Friedman
This complaint alleges judicial misconduct, courts ignoring violence, COURTS CLERKS hindering justice by manipulating, editing and mislabeling filings, violations of civil right failure to uphold the law.



PACKAGE 3 U.S.P.S. TRK #RB572662546US  

THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS COPYRIGHTS FOR INVISIBLE: LIVING IN AMERICA WITHOUT RIGHTS! (Perfect bound 290 pages of documented proof). Exposing corruption, civil rights violations, copyright infringements, etc…



(Multiple Comb-bind booklets, Agreements, Comic Strip series which seriously depict the trials and tribulations that victims of this system
allows to transpire.)

This program is meant to encourages educating our future aspiring Artist to learn from my experiences by utilizing my publications which demonstrates tactics and methods used to steal the artist lives. Exposing corruption, civil rights violations, copyright infringements, etc…

I sent these (2) TWO other packages,





I understand that there are no deliveries on Saturday and Sunday, but clearly if it was not rerouted to Jamaica, New York…it would arrived on time FRIDAY, APRIL .17, 2015.
How many other citizens have these mail issues? Convenient delays…but the real question that needs to be asked is, ‘What are the odds of these copyrights and complaints have of being delayed?’ 
Why did it take so many hours before leaving Las Vegas, NV?  You cannot block or hinder mail unless you know when it is being sent…
What are the odds that those 30 hours were used to manipulate submissions? Why else would these violations be allowed to continue, if not due to corruption and abuse.
Again, who do you think would be able to delay mail that is supposed to be under lock and key? 
Is it a coincidence that the MAIL that is being sent and most likely ‘gutted’ would expose the most heinous of acts thrust upon individuals forced to live as outcast by those in positions of making a difference while the public scorns.
With each attempt to obtain assistance or with each effort, I am faced with additional hardship or pressure to succumb due to lack of support and ostracism. 
Each instance of hindering justice, ignoring  and blocking resolution by mail tampering only continues to violate my civil rights. 
No one should be refused the same opportunities and rights guaranteed by the constitution to exercise these rights that are denied when mail that is being sent to proper officials. 

Further supporting documentation is available in the tabs above this blog!


I am well aware of the usual procedures implemented to address these kinds of wrongdoing involving these major entities. However, it has also been my personal experience that those who attempt to pretend to address these concerns usually don’t put the victims best interest first due to monetary gains and social impact on society.  It has been my experience that relying on secret remedies are truly for the benefit of the violators so that they may remain unaffected. My twenty plus years has clearly demonstrated that those in positions of power are he’ll bent on preserving this evil and my public has no interest in allowing proper recourse  (again, due to social impact on society).

All while some misrepresent this situation or those who imply interest in resolution…there are many who are undermining these efforts with indirect actions which encourage further victimization and dehumanization.

To those that would attempt to mislead, judge, rejoice and misdirect….

Why don’t you redirect yourselves to some decency, a conscience and to your humanity!

So while some are using every justification known to mankind…

I am the one that has to listen to the laughter and mocking of my public saying, 10 minutes, $10. So because of this and after decades of being unable to combat lies and manipulations…I can assure you that I am no prostitute and your methods and hesitation only ensures continued unwarranted violations of the worse kind.

So I will not be letting go, nor will I remain silent while empowered and misinformed animals continue to run rampant.

SWP, LLC has compiled a set of books which shed light on the darkest side of the business of music. Copyright © 2013 Created and Written by Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace All rights reserved. No part of this blog or books may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages.

“Artist, Writers and Producers – Beware!” Please use this link: For some unknown reason my WordPress Blog hasn’t been posting my scheduled Post correctly for the last two weeks… Copy Link –



Subject: Request for Legal Representation 

I was in New York this week on October 2, 2013 and I am contacting your offices to request legal
assistance or representation in obtaining resolution and closure regarding my current legal situation.
I am a Citizen of the U.S. of America, 
I have been advised that I am in the wrong country.
I am contacting ANY AND ALL to request legal assistance and/or representation, resolution and
closure regarding my current legal situation; which involves, copyright infringements, breach of contract, civil rights violations, mail tampering, court tampering, violent acts, etc…
I have compiled proof by using documentation, public records, contracts and copyrights in my book
entitled, Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!, Music, Murder and Mayhem -Nonfiction and INVISIBLE: Living in America without Rights 2013.
Although, I would prefer to reach a fair legal and resolution, I have not been given much
of a choice in the matter.This is an autobiography that shows step by step, the tactics used to steal lyrics, intimidation methods to coerce, and how major music companies attempt to outright steal the lives of struggling artist.
This book contains supporting documentation; contracts with Zomba (major music publishing
for Jive Records – BMG-Zomba (EMI) now placed within Universal Music Publishing Group making them the world’s largest music publishing business, Copyrights, public records, court documents and personal dated journal entries that cannot be disputed nor denied.
I have provided my contact information above for further questions along with a copy of my book for review.
Please review my websites for more information:
Official Website: ,

In addition, I have sample copies and inserts listed @
Please contact me if you are in a position to assist. If you are unable, please forward this request to an attorney who can assist.
Thank you for any assistance in this  matter,
Seven West Productions
Tiwanda Lovelace, Owner
P.O. Box 400001

Las Vegas, NV 89140

(702) 900-4087


Although I have compounded legal issues, I have tried to provide brief numbered details of some of what has occurred below.

I am contacting your offices because there are compounded situations but to provide a summary:

1. My father is incarcerated for allegedly killing a Detroit Police Officer, Stanley Rapaski and Cass Czerwinski. I can’t help but wonder if Czerwinski is related to Democratic Representative Joseph C. Czerwinski.  

First, anyone who kills a police officer – their family is definitely persecuted and is unable to obtain assistance from the system; especially, if that person is a prominent member of society.  

Everyone knows that police stick together and as a matter of fact, the other accomplice conveniently died while being apprehended in that case. Human nature…2. I wrote the lyrics and melody that were used for a television sitcom many years ago. These lyrics were given to now prominent music producers, Lee Marcus and Jake Salazar. Of course, I didn’t find out about the use of the song until years later.

3. Since the individuals who placed the first songs didn’t offer contract or monetary compensation, I kept writing with other local producers until I was offered a 50/50 co-publishing agreement with Zomba after a disagreement with Larry Hatcher and Art & Rhythm’s Larry Campbell.

4. Zomba’s pub agreement made reference to taking co-ownership of all songs written by me; including material prior to signing. (Remember I was not aware that the previous songs were used yet).

I spoke with two entertainment attorneys; the fact that previous attorney’s would encourage signing a contract for little dollars when they know that all entertainment lawyers would most likely require a large retainer in the end demonstrates that there is a problem.

5. Zomba representatives then attempted to pressure me to sign management contracts with producers that were on their roster whom I had never met. 

While contracted with Zomba, I submitted over 40 song lyrics and melodies that were discussed in detail with their representatives and some listed directly in the contract.

6. After submitting these songs, someone associated with the business brought it to my attention that an artist by the name of Desire (real name Monique), with the help of Michael Powell, Art & Rhythm’s – Larry Roc Campbell, Paul D. Allen, and Larry Hatcher has received a 6 album deal with Warner Chapel label releasing single.

I heard personally and have others confirm blatant similarities to my work and have been derived in full and/or in part from my copies submitted to Paul D. Allen of M. Powell’s – Vanguard Studio, Larry Hatcher of Hatcher Hits, Larry Roc Campbell of Art & Rhythm and David R – Zomba, rep. I worked consistent with all parties listed for a period of time. I have split sheet for “Baby Stay with me” and I heard this finished by her.

7. After notifying Zomba of this deal, I became subjected to a multitude of tragedies, threats and intimidation. 

Almost every song lyric and melodies were used in part and in full. These songs were being played on the radio for years. I will provide you with attachments to show copyrights.

8. Zomba used publishing contract to steal lyrics and melodies, then denied possession of works (even though material was mentioned in publishing contract, the use of intimidation methods to coerce, and now everyone is asking for an extreme amount of money for a retainer.  

I understand that litigation cost but this should not be allowed to be used as a scapegoat to avoid being held accountable. 

This is the ‘game’ that prevents resolution and allows these tyrants to continue their actions. 

9. I then attempted to file suit and although the amended complaint that complied with F.C.R. and was filed within courts guidelines. 

The judge dismissed before reviewing factual evidence and ignored actual acts of violence and request for counsel to be assigned. Basically, I have documentation that clearly shows misconduct.

10. During this ordeal, I maintained my copyrights and always required signed documentation with any co-writers.

11. Within two months of completion of my Registration of Copyrights for all of the songs provided, suddenly the Dekalb County Probation submits a violation of probation report to the Courts and they issue a warrant although I was under the supervision of Michigan Probation and reporting as directed.

12. The timing of the execution of this warrant was in sync with everything that was going on around my trials with seeking assistance from attorneys and all of the many groups. 

I had filed the copyrights listed below and they were processed just months prior to the illegally obtained warrant being issued.

1.             PAU001720136 / January 7, 1993 “Collection I – Tiwanda.”

                Lovelace, Tiwanda, 1967 – 18 SONG LYRICS AND MELODIES,           1 RAP, 2 POEMS

2.             PAU001721382 / March 4, 1993 “Collection II – Tiwanda.”

                Lovelace, Ne Ne – 6 SONG LYRICS AND MELODIES,

Although per Inter-State Case Reports, Lovelace was reporting to Michigan Probation AS DIRECTED by Courts, there were no efforts were made to contact and/or provide Notice of Hearing.  

Again, there was no notice of hearing, revocation hearing, or opportunity to be heard.

13. Dekalb County police then used this warrant to modify my 1st Offenders Act, changing status to conviction. Records reflect multiple arrests, repeated offenses and provide misleading transmittal when 4 of 5 items are in reference to the same (original) First Offenders Act offense. 

Dates and charges are inaccurate and/or inaccurately presented.

This warrant was signed May 19, 1993 – expired July 31, 1997.

In a letter used to take housing from the Lovelace family, a police agency stated that the warrant was valid in 2005 and that they were unable to execute due to budgetary constraints. 

However, when I lived in Georgia 2003/2004 there were no efforts to arrest? 

I believe the warrant was serving its purpose, which was to inflict damage, hinder and harm. Prior to filing this case, I submitted a notice and a request for correction to all parties involved since it was preventing employment and shelter.

13. I have proof of misconduct show the courts switched Judges after plaintiff filed for Summary Defendants ignored service of Summons.

I believe that this system intended to hold me accountable for others actions and all under ‘color of law.’

I am requesting legal assistance and/or representation, resolution and closure because these entities are still using their power and positions to continue to oppress. 

I have documented proof of civil rights violations, mail tampering, court tampering, violent acts, etc…

Since this has snowballed, police were using illegally obtained warrant to modify records, take public housing and take employment. Georgia unjustly threw my case out but shortly after a public defender was able to quash warrant. 

I am stuck in this free for all, caught up between multiple major entities and trying to obtain my freedom from this chaos.

Even now my record has not been updated or corrected properly because this case was once again used to have me detained in handcuffs and refused entry into Canada in 2013.

I have other legal issues that have occurred of which I have been compiling; such as, screen shot, documents, etc…that prove that I am being deliberately deprived of my rights to liberty and life. I refuse to let them murder me quietly behind the scenes. 

I have attached some of the documentation to support my claims and I hope that you will be able to assist or refer this to someone who can.

Thank you,

Seven West Productions
Tiwanda Lovelace, Founder
P.O. Box 400001
Las Vegas, NV 89140
(702) 900-4087 

Official Website:
Online Store:

BIO – 

Tiwanda Gail ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace was like many other unknown artist who was used and then discarded by the music industry. She has survived countless attacks on her character, and has lived to tell the tale as a true survivor.

Many have found Lovelace’s book to be an interesting and thought-driven read. The owner loves helping new authors and artists and wants to ensure that none of them go through what she did. Having been in the music industry since 1991, our company has more than 21 years of experience. 
Facing many struggles as an outcast, a black woman, a wife, a mother, and as a writer and lyricist, Lovelace has written many songs to which she never received credit. 
She was the co-writer of the song, “What Can I Say to You (to Justify My Love)” for the artist Hi-Fives, for which credit was never given.
Lovelace was contracted with Zomba, a major music publishing company for Jive Records, which is now BMG-Zomba publishing company. It was then placed within Universal Music Publishing Group, becoming the world’s largest music publishing business.

Instead of administering her publishing by securing copyrights and ensuring that her works were protected, the publishing company neglected all their contractual obligations. However, what they didn’t count on was that she had secured copyrights and maintained all related documentation.Here, Lovelace exposes the corruption in the music industry in her book. She proves it using supporting documents, copyrights, public records, court documents, journal entries, and contracts with Zomba™/Jive Records™ (BMG™-Zomba™ which is now Universal Music Group®).

For many, getting into the music industry seems like a dream. However, for our owner, Tiwanda Gail ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace, it was a complete struggle. Never receiving credit for the songs she has written, Lovelace is now determined to help others before they sign a contract with a major company.

Giving You the Business!


Giving You the Business!

Shedding Light on the Darkest Parts of the Business of Music!
Seven West Productions is a publishing company that recognizes that almost everyone knows someone who is an aspiring artist, musician, producer or dancer. 

We also recognized that well-informed people, make better decisions so by fully equipping our youth with knowledge obtained from others experiences, we can prevent them from being victimize; therefore, have less prodigal sons and daughters.

Since I have received an extreme amount of opposition, I need your help raising awareness and reaching others who are in a position to work through organizations, foundations, companies to fully equip our aspiring young adult artist.

Seven West Productions has compiled a set of publications which demonstrate firsthand what traps await them by providing detailed information regarding methods and tactics used. 

  • There are no other books that will provide extensive knowledge regarding their process.
  • These publications are not easily accessible through mainstream publishers solely due to the information provided within and due to conflicting with the goals of a billion dollar industry.
  • By participating in this program as a Member or Sponsor, you will have the opportunity to purchase these rare publications that shed light on the darkest parts of an industry that has claimed so many lives.
  • By participating in our PLATINUM 30/40/50 program, you will automatically receive up to (50%) fifty percent discount off already low price on publications that are exclusive to our Members/Sponsors. These extreme discounts are only available to our Members/Sponsors and includes discounts on sale items.
It would be an honor to work with your prestigious company. Given a chance, we can prove our value to your prestigious  organizations, foundations, companies by producing and delivering our easy to use program compiled of thought-driven publications geared to protecting our youth. 
Please take a moment to go through our attached proposal to find out the value our collaboration promises to bring to your business.

Either as Member or Sponsor, your assistance will to increase our ability to reach to a much wider audience who is in great need of these publications.

Looking forward to hear from you soon. 

You may view full presentation by contacting us directly using our contact information provided below. 

Thank you for your time!

You may view the entire presentation below or at: 
Click here.


You may download a PDF of this Agreement
 Please provide your email address, contact name and select the Program that you wish to utilize.


Lovelace, Founder

Seven West

P. O. Box 400001, 

Las Vegas, NV 89140

Phone: 702.900.4087
(with any purchase – Offer expires February 1, 2014)

Reserve Your Copy Today!


Audio &Printed Copy Available – January 15, 2014

Get Your Copy Today!

eBook Orig. $9.99 

NOW $4.99*

If you have already researched books on the subject of the music business
then you have found that a lot of the books that are written denouncing the
industry are portrayed as fanatical, demonic and are downright comical. 
Personally, I am certain that there is a degree of evil involved in the
business and it is possible some individuals who would sell their souls for a
successful career but I didn’t look twice at those titles. 
It is almost as if those books are deliberately, readily accessible but the titles
that would truly provide insight are not as easy to find. 

Well, look no further…


By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace
An un-cut non-fiction description of how the music entertainment business
murders its artist and writers quietly behind the scenes.
People always say that the Music Business is a dirty business but they have
no full idea of to what extent. They assume that these artist just sign bad
deals that allow producers and managers to take everything but this is not
always the case.
It is important that people understand the ‘game’ and how it ultimately
affects others. They cut, chop and shop your work. Meanwhile, chaos ensues
when these victimized human beings wreak havoc fighting for these stolen
works and their share of royalties.
Industry people know ‘the game’ and they know how to manipulate
situations so that when you refuse to dehumanize yourself, drop to your
knees and allow them to take everything… they label you as trouble. As with
any business, there is competition and the struggle for power and money.
This book describes how those with money, power, and position use mass
manipulation to discredit, its use of technology to spy, use of threats and
intimidation to isolate.  
This is about the struggle of one writer who was blessed with the
opportunity to survive and the will to refuse to settle for less. Realizing what
would be the point of a temporary relief from injustice and unwarranted
cruelty only to ultimately be subjected to the same inhumanity within a few
Like animals circling its prey, victims are surrounded, stalked, studied and
set-up. Like lambs led to slaughter, you won’t realize the severity of your
situation until you are knee deep in what I commonly refer to as a ‘shit-
storm’ of backstabbing friends, oppressing family members, snaking
strangers and money grubbing manipulators intent on keeping you
subjected and suppressed if they are unable to make a profit.
eBook Available – January 8, 2014
Printed Copy Available – January 15, 2014

Reserve your copy by submitting an email to  
by completing the contact form @

(20) Twenty Lucky Winner’s will receive a complimentary copy and will be

given an opportunity to provide a review!


biggest mug artwork
I had filed the copyrights listed
below and they were processed just
months prior to illegally obtained
warrant was issued.
          1.      PAu001720136 / January 7, 1993     “Collection
I-Tiwanda.” Lovelace, Tiwanda, 1967-
2.      PAu001721382 / March 4, 1993       “Collection
II-Tiwanda.” Lovelace, NeNe
Although Lovelace was reporting to Michigan Probation AS DIRECTED by Courts, there were no efforts were made to contact
and/or provide Notice of Hearing.  

That small print says: 

“The undersigned officer hereby certifies that a thorough and diligent search for the probationer listed in this warrant and affidavit has been made at but not limited to places of abode, known places of frequencies, and others and that His/Her whereabouts are unknown an cannot be located…” 

And this warrant was signed May 19, 1993 expires July 31, 1997

Warrant Used to Take Public Housing in Nevada
Why did this
police agency state that the warrants were valid in 2005 but unable to execute
due to budgetary constraints but when I lived in Georgia 2003/2004 there were
no efforts to arrest? I believe the warrant was serving its purpose, to inflict
damage, hinder and harm.
Michigan Inter-State Case Report
dated 08-2-1993
Although Lovelace was reporting to
Michigan Probation,
no efforts were made to contact and/or
provide notice. I was still reporting
(3) three months, unaware that the warrant
was issued on May 19, 1993. I was
just told that I no longer was to report to
Michigan Probation office. I
obtained this letter well after.
Michigan Inter-State Case Report
In all that

time, I never mention the fact that my
father was convicted of murdering a
police officer. I did not want to think
that people would hold that against
me or be this sinister. I did not want
to even go there besides I still had
faith in the legal system.
I filed the lawsuit in Forma Pauperis
After many years of attempting to resolve
this issue by submitting written request for correction, I filed a lawsuit in
Dekalb County Georgia against the Dekalb County Police and Dekalb County
Probation Office due to an illegally obtained warrant for my arrest, modification
of my record; which led to revocation of my First Offenders Act…without notice of hearing or opportunity
for rebuttal since record shows that I was reporting as directed by courts.
I filed my Complaint against both Defendants, Dekalb County Police and Dekalb County Probation Office
This is only the first few pages and a copy of the initial

The Judge had determined that under

Federal Law that there were stipulations with

regards to being able to file suit against the police

departments and ruled that I could proceed

with lawsuit.

Below is the Judges a partial
summary of the
case, frivolity determination, Order
for Clerk’s Office to Include Dekalb
County Police Dept. as Defendants

In addition to these
documents proving service,
Pacer Court records system also confirms processed…See Below:
Pacer Court records No.
7 – Order instructs Clerk’s Office to list Dekalb county Police
to complaint and to forward Plaintiff USM285 forms for completion.
Pacer Court records No.
8 – Plaintiff’s  USM285 forms and Summons
were completed and returned.
Pacer Court records No. 9 – Summons was issued for Defendants dekalb County
Yet, Defendants denied
being served.  
Pacer Court records No.
10 – Request for Waiver of Summons.

The dates and Court time-stamps confirm that Defendants were served properly but this was ignored. 

The Defendants denied receiving Summons 
The summons that they say that they never received!
Can you explain why does this form below
have her signature?
Yet, it is not included in their exhibits that
claim that they received.
Justice was not

served…but the Defendants were!
If I had missed a court deadline for
my response, the courts would have made
ruling against me. Instead, the courts
ignored Pacer court records and my Request
for Entry of Default; allowing the
injustice to continue. The Judges did not
address that problem with multiple
request for Correction regarding the Clerk’s
Office interfering with filings
due to:
1.    Clerk EXCLUDING A DEFENDANT clearly
     listed on Complaint.
2.    Clerk not providing Judge with
     correct/updated filings.
3.    Clerk not mailing copies to Defendants,
     although extra copies were

provided for service. While certain filings
     were mailed, others were neglected at
     their discretion.
4.    Clerks deliberately delayed forwarding
     motions to the Judges.
EVERYTHING  was processed and Defendants – Dekalb County
Police did not respond in the time allotted by procedure as directed by courts.
Suddenly and without

cause the case was reassigned to a
different Judge after Plaintiff (Lovelace)
filed for Motion to Request Entry of
Months later…
There is no excuse for blatantly circumventing justice.
The initial Judge ruled that the police
could be an entity that could be sued… 

Every filing was submitted in
triplicate and I maintained certified
mailer receipts for the ones that I
mailed. Courts records prove that
they were served.

To Be Continued…

Seven West Productions is currently accepting donations to assist with product marketing and 

promotional cost 

to ensure we are able to reach a 

wider audience so that 

others may also benefit from 

the messages provided in our 

informational products. 

No donation is too small.

Thank you for your Support!

Don’t Just Peek In…

It’s like coming in on a fight in the last five minutes and claiming you know every blow…
You only know what you have heard and unless you sacrifice your entire life watching nonstop from beginning to end you really don’t know everything that you think you know about someone and their situation. 
Below is a recent message directed towards my ‘situation’:

 The first person – Kishan Bhatt, responded using as an Avatar a picture of a sinister/villain that I previously used on my

“Why don’t you just die blog” (shown at bottom of this blog). 

Really? Did he say, ‘Stab them in the face in front of everyone…?’ 
This is an example of the violence directly towards me and my family, this is what I face from complete strangers but I guess that  it’s okay because situations have been manipulated by people in positions…
He admits that this was directed towards me but I do not know this person but he refers to me as a liar. He was not there, he has not reviewed my account of what transpired and he has not looked at any of the incidents or events which are covered in 
He has just accepted my public conviction and has found me guilty but he does not know anything about me.
First of all, has anyone stopped to question why there is so much anger and animosity pointed at one person who in all these years has never had an opportunity to address all the accusations? 
While others can get their negative messages out so easily regarding my actions, has anyone wondered why all this opposition to me and my book
Am I expected to carry the weight of all that has transpired without an opportunity to refute or challenge accusations. 
It’s not like I have a choice, If I don’t fight back then I would be forever unable to refute their lies and prove my stance is justified. People have peeked in to see the angry me but they were not there in the beginning while the plotting by each and all was going. 
What would you have done? 
Wouldn’t you have fought for your life?

The first person – Kishan Bhatt, responded using as an Avatar a picture of a sinister/villain that I previously used on my

“Why don’t you just die blog” (shown above).

Find out for yourself…



You may be right when you say that I
don’t know everything but I know that 

there is nothing Noble about Judging, 

Convicting and Sacrificing People

 for Revenge and/or for the 

Advancement of a Few! 

I know that there is not just one simple

issue but that there are compounded
situations and by using the information
that you think that you know has been
or what has been ‘given’ to you by those
in positions to control information and
limit, combined with the  
documentation, public records and 

account of events provided 

in – Music Business: It’s a dirty Game …

 it will be clear that My Family and

I don’t deserve to carry the weight of all 

that is and has transpired.


provides the missing information that

has allowed their misrepresentation of
events and deceit to continue.
As you can tell by the time frame, 
I didn’t just run out to write a ‘tell-all’ book 
without trying to address, resolve and I even 

tried to walk away but this ‘system’

 would prefer to turn away any support by 
hurting others  and portraying me as being 
responsible for loss of lives





Review the proof yourself!




I don’t have an army. I have learned that not

fighting does not help alleviate the backlash
and since each job that I secure is taken from
me due to this Farce… 

Writing my story – this is the only way to

provide for myself  have no other choice but to
fight by selling my story and by trying to reach
reasonable human beings so that any maniac
that wants to hold us responsible for all these
tragedies that have been manipulated cannot
just reach out and cause more harm. 

When you have been given thousands of

enemies by others action, inaction’s, abuse of
power and manipulations, you cannot survive
without enough to ensure your family’s future.

Although I am in this living nightmare, I still

ensure that I find time to relax, I keep my
appearance up as my money allows, seek
simple enjoyable activities – like movies,
shopping, etc… It’s surprising how some
people are able to find ways to cope with the
worst and still overcome but with time,
persistence and perseverance 

your mind finds a way 

(especially, when you feel justified!) 

I don’t always sit around angry and most

importantly, I don’t let people treat me bad. I
quickly address mistreatment because I
don’t mistreat others unless provoked. Yes, I
am adamant about defending my family and
my actions. 

I am fully aware of how important it is to

express my feelings and the importance of
perfectly describing the events that I am
being subjected to. I cannot afford to get
caught up in my emotions and allow trickery
to influence my outlook. 

My life is about securing a future that

prevents  ever being subjected again to or
endangering my family to any and every ass-
clown this side of the equator so I will not
be ‘letting go’ until it is corrected…

I do not want to hear anymore words and 

am not waiting on liars…

Official Website: 

Stuck in the Middle of violent nightmare…


Stuck in the Middle of a Violent Nightmare that Neither side wants to Resolve!

Don’t Let Their Lies and Deceit Justify their Inaction!


Frantically, trying to figure out why this was happening to me, I compiled what I do know and came up with this:

These are the facts surrounding my life:
1.  Zomba Publishing Contract states before and after works given prior to Hi-Five’s placements. Could they have known of works presented and placed through Lee Marcus/Jake Salazar? ‘Keep Standing Tall’ was used as a theme song on a popular television sitcom.

2.  Police involvement – all my life, Friends and In-Laws
            In-Laws / Detroit’s Chief of Police – Napoleon
            Best friend’s family closely associated w/ Police
            Brother in-law police

3a. Lee Marcus – Family is police

3b. Jake Salazar – Partnered w/ Lee Marcus

3c.  (5) Five works given to Lee/Jake: ‘Keep Standing Tall’, ‘It’s Love/I’m what you need’, ‘where are you now?’, ‘I need you here’, and ‘Just for you.’

4. Police ruled in favor of Sharon Deasfernandez after she hit my son w/ her car while he was in  front of our house playing. She had no remorse as if it was deliberate.

5.  Police never followed up on domestic violence
case against husband.

6.  Father accused of allegedly killing a police officer in 1969.

7. Mother used to cry all the time at night, hated my father, kept secrets, raised to go to school, not allowed her children to participate in after school activities, no outside contact with schoolmates, no phone privileges, only kingdom hall was allowed.

8.  Mother tried to conceal truth by pressuring me, sent letter to governor, she found Dr. to discredit me without enough time to give wide range diagnosis, added emotional stress, courts dismissed son hit by car, sister raped and double homicide.

9.  Family succumb to violent acts, possibly to convince cooperation.

10.  Mail tampering – search warrant advised I was under surveillance – would explain mail tampering.

11.  Court dismissed/ignored request to assign counsel to avoid protraction due to mismanagement.

This was definitely signs that something just was not right and that this was no accident.

I was beginning to believe that I was that girl that was being pressured into committing suicide.

Given the information, at this time, I was still unable to understand which pieces were relevant and which was coincidental.  Of course, I continued onward and so did the messages…

However, now I can access information that has remained hidden…

eBook Full Version Music Business: It’s A Dirty Game!: Autobiography of Tiwanda Gail ‘Ne Ne’Lovelace $9.99

Mr. Jake Salazar worked as an
entertainment executive, as label
manager and various department
director to presidents and CEOs of the
world’s leading entertainment
companies with tenures in affiliate
companies such as Warner Bros, RCA,
SONY, Universal, ABC, NBC
and CBS Broadcasting.
[1] Jake Salazar was a co-founder of  
the Tempo Music Group. A coalition of
independent record  companies  owned
by veteran industry professionals
and celebrities such
as Anita Baker/Michael
Powell, Sylvia Moy, Martha Reeves,
Isaiah Thomas, Thomas Hearns, John
Salley, Lee Marcusand Leonard Jones
among other prominent business
As mentioned in 
I met and/or worked with the 
highlighted names mentioned above 
and I was unaware that these 
individuals worked
Jake has been consultant to over forty 
record labels and for many  
of the industries’ major artists and 
manages the careers of a 
chosen few. 
There they were – 
Jake Salazar & Lee Marcus
in my living room, personally providing
me with music tracks for me to write
my lyrics and melodies, I guess
I should have felt honored. 
Jake Salazar, Lee
Marcus, Leonard Jones and
Michael Powell were
all prominent business colleagues
and they say that I am the one who
is guilty of betrayal.
Obviously, I didn’t just pull names out of
a hat, this was no accident, and I can see why these
people want me to just die.
What did these maniacs do? 
Read inserts from Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!
There they were, Jake Salazar and Lee Marcus,
in my living room, personally providing me with music tracks for me to write my lyrics and melodies, I guess I should have felt honored. Jake Salazar, Lee
Marcus, Leonard Jones and Michael Powell were all prominent business colleagues and they say that I am the one who is guilty of betrayal.
Obviously, I didn’t just pull names out of a hat, this was no accident, and I can see why these people want me to just die. I guess this is where the harassment from Hispanics could be originating from; they must have had a falling out.
What did these maniacs do?
Not one of them tried to offer anything, no decency, just treachery and you expected what to happen exactly? I was unaware that they were close prominent business colleagues.
Shortly after meeting Lee, I met Leonard Jones of All Purpose Disc. He was an older man in his late 50’s or older. I accepted a job as his secretary part-time. I actually liked getting dressed and going to work being that I had never worked before. My ex-husband provided for us for the most part, this enabled me to have more time focused on the children and my music. I believe he felt that keeping me close to home would prevent contact with other men.
While working for Jones, I met a lot of people that would come to the office to meet with him. He never came on to me or used his position to try to get some ass like I expected. Instead he seemed to be testing me and checking to see what my deal was. I was also watching, checking to see if he actually had good intentions. Of course, I felt that he might be in a position to help get me to where I wanted to be – Major. As I worked there, I would hear the different artist express their concerns and issues. Mostly, I would try to read all the people that came to his office; including his wife.
His wife hated the sight of me. Jones and I would laugh because we both knew that we weren’t doing anything. If he was cheating, it wasn’t with me. He’d joke and say that she called me ‘that thang’ and I would reply with “that’s Ms. Thang to her.” Although I liked Jones, I didn’t have faith that
once I signed he would follow through.
Eventually, some guys came in the office and they were not happy about something to do with money or a project and it was not pretty. That was my queue… I’m talking about Detroit men, pissed about money; I quit that day but before I left I called myself getting some numbers for distributors and possibly producers. Not unlike anyone else who felt they worked for it. I never saw him again but he wasn’t a bad man but just like others who couldn’t have their way – He probably wasn’t happy with me.
I worked with another talented local music producer named, Darrold Campbell. He was a light-skinned African American. He was quiet for the most part but he spoke when he had something to say. I genuinely wished him well and I liked his music tracks. He was very professional and he should have gotten a deal on his talent alone. He would tell me that I didn’t need help with writing song lyrics. His tracks were highly praised by those in the industry with years of experience. I never hesitated to give his business info to others.
In addition, Darrell Strickland was lyricist/producer (slightly crazy in my opinion from bumping his head for years with that damn dangling carrot). He was between light and medium brown-skinned African American. He was ‘cool people’ but because I felt that he wanted more than music relationship, I left. We had a great time hanging out though. We went to Nova Scotia, Canada and just kicked it with some other musicians. We all just sat around playing music and showing off our talents – Freestyle. I will always remember that trip. Canadians were very friendly to me and it was nice to get away for a while. I know that he had some crazy ass thuggish brothers.
I worked with Hershel Tinsley and Tim Lempke, they were music producers but I didn’t like the way they wanted me to sing. I tried and it didn’t work out. There was no soul or feeling in the song that I was given and I wasn’t allowed input. 
I also met with some lady who had studio out of home said, ‘writing songs like a relationship’ Ah; no I don’t think so. I don’t remember her name but I didn’t like the vibe I felt. It was if people were saying that I tried to cut others and was completely self serving.
I was working on exposure and decided to agree to a radio commercial for ‘Mind your business campaign’ on radio. This was a campaign designed to encourage support for local businesses. It was really good experience and it felt good to hear my voice on the radio.
I was so excited
about music tracks and wanted to write, I began to seek out different
production companies to offer my vocals to help sell their songs for studio
time and/or tracks to write my songs.
Curtis, my husband, at the time supported my endeavors. He purchased a little 4 track player so that I could put my melodies down with the music. I would spend my nights
smoking weed and writing. I became obsessed with music and the more lyrics I wrote, the more I learned about copyrights, legal process, etc…but what I didn’t know is that even if you have copyrights – you are not protected if you
cannot get a lawyer to represent you.
My husband and family introduced me to Larry Hatcher (If that was his real name) was involved in music industry and was a writer/lyricist who lived in both cities, Detroit and Los Angeles. He was a friend of the family and I was told that he could possibly help me with my music. He was over 6 feet in height, medium build with medium brown skin African American and seemed upbeat, energetic and interested. He was fun and very likable but never open.

At this time in my life, my husband and I had just come clean about our issues and concerns with our relationship. I thought that we had decided to work things out and stay together.
So I went into my dealings with Larry with strictly business mentality.

Curtis would drop me off at his house to work on music tracks. I liked him but I was chilling and I made it clear that I wasn’t down for extracurricular activity. Once, Larry and Val were sitting on the couch and he just whipped it out and she started playing with him while they looked at me. I kept writing my lyrics and ignored them. He was the type of man that knew his way around women and how to get what he wanted.
One eventful night he decided to take me to a party at his friend’s house, I went and I was running from him the whole night. He finally brought me a drink, V.S.O.P. and I drank it. Right after the party, instead of him taking me
home he went to his house. I was out of it and the next thing I knew he had me up on the table on my back and lifted my dress up and he was inside me. I couldn’t move and I was in shock.
Immediately, I started crying and demanded to go home. I was throwing up all the way home. I can’t remember if he took me or if Curtis came to get me. I continued throwing up and crying all night. I told Curtis, my husband what happened to me and he didn’t even respond. It was like he didn’t care or believe me. I told my mother and I received the same response. I was so hurt that neither of them gave a damn that I said forget them.
Do you know that I hardened myself at that moment and made excuses to justify me going back to who I felt was the only person really in a position to further my career? The sooner the better, than I can get away from them for not
caring. I know that he was a friend of their family but I didn’t think that they would just give me away.
So, yes; against my better judgment I went back to him knowing that I had hateful feelings towards him for what he did. I addressed it with him and expressed my anger towards what he did. He apologized and I said I accepted but I still held a grudge at that time. I was furious but I just told myself that he didn’t hurt me. So keeping this in mind, I just couldn’t hold it anymore and when we had that meeting with Renzer – Zomba, rep at Art & Rhythm’s studio
with Larry Roc Campbell, I just snapped because I couldn’t bear the thoughts of them cheating me out of my songs and that he did me like that. I went off on him verbally but no one else knew why, just Larry Hatcher and me.
I think back to when I told my girlfriends/sister-in-laws that one of my fantasies was to have my man just take it but we were just talking.

Whatever, that was a tragic experience for me. Prior to this happening, I had met his friend Larry Roc Campbell and I was checking him out and I know he didn’t like it but he never said anything.
 What possessed him to do that to me? –
To this day I think this was a tactic used to cause imbalance, confusion and
In addition, there were implications that she may have known Larry by her response to our incident.  Looking back I truly believe he feels like I hurt his feelings because he said sorry. I am still negatively affected and way messed up by that move. If he hadn’t he may have had a chance but this drove me to what’s his face…and definitely far away from my ex-husband emotionally.
– Hurt, angry, mad at myself for responding the way I did – My husband
and mother failed me, so my dumbass made matters worse with that one.
Larry had introduced me to Larry Roc Campbell, who at that time was a music producer (master manipulator by his own words). Roc was already contracted with Zomba under Ara – Art & Rhythm and worked out of a small studio in Southfield, Michigan. Roc was slightly less than six feet tall, with medium build and medium brown-skinned African American. He would have probably been taller if he not been bow-legged. He also had a cleft or dimple in his chin. He was very sexy in his strong but silent kind of way.

Art & Rhythm; which consisted of Ara and Roc, offered a contract but didn’t want to offer any monies. Of course, just like anyone else would have done – I declined due to no money. I tried to talk to him but he just sent me to Ara.
Since I had a husband and mother willing to give me away, I had someone that I thought that I could trust hurt my soul. Roc didn’t think enough to come up with any money for contract, I wasn’t asking for millions; this why I signed
that BS contract in my weakened state. I guess I needed to believe that there was something good for me somewhere. I guess I was delusional about wanting to be cared for or looked out for…maybe I saw something that wasn’t there (you think, duh). That won’t happen again. I know that he was encouraging me with his complaining about home, treating me extra nice. Maybe, I wanted to believe I saw something that wasn’t there. Again, my dumb-ass came on to him and he rejected (which was the right thing to do).
I really thought that he was a nice person but as I look back, he gave me a ‘shh!’ gesture right before the meeting with Renzer – Zomba, rep. Looking back that is probably why Zomba rep. told me after the issue with works to stay
away from Larry Roc Campbell. Almost twenty years later, I discovered that he later became Jive Records A & R.
I worked on a few projects with Paul D. Allen. He was a music producer/engineer for Michael Powell’s Vanguards Studio. He is approximately 5’ 10, brown-skinned African American, well dressed quiet but definitely skilled music engineer. I didn’t trust him completely because his ties to Michael Powell and the fact that he scheduled a meeting with me then stood me up but called weeks later ready to work.
Paul was a music producer/engineer for Michael Powell’s Vanguards Studio. I had met Michael Powell but he had his artist that he was promoting and he came across very haughty. Mr. Egomaniacal…..I didn’t trust him and I was
afraid of his intentions and I had been shelved before.
Paul was quiet and reserved when I worked with him. Honestly, he supplied one of my favorite music tracks, “Why can’t I” – that was a really good song. I wrote and sung my heart out for that one. He looked up to Roc with respect when I made reference to him. It was almost like he wanted to stand up for him when I began to mock.
Shortly after my battle with Zomba began, I met CC or at least that’s how he introduced himself, I was not expecting that and my instincts said ‘run bitch.’ This was some new stuff and I probably shouldn’t have…but my instincts are rarely wrong. I don’t think he knew that I knew who he was. I had just seen his picture in a magazine associating him to Jive label. He was gorgeous and so I started to pretend as if I didn’t recognize him.
Suddenly, I got really nervous and I decided to make my famous get-away. I ran away because I couldn’t understand why he was in Detroit, at the same club that I was in. I don’t believe in coincidence. His demeanor and timing instilled concern and I was not ready but tried to play big girl but my fear took over.
David McPhearson – Zomba, rep – CC/Jive… I never worked with him but I was infatuated with briefly. He was light-skinned African American, possibly six feet tall and very attractive. I still have no idea of what his role was in this sudden appearance.
Shortly afterward I started to hear stories about something happened bad to someone and people started treating me awful. Implying that he or someone was beat up or hurt. Now how was supposed to feel. I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know who was just caught in crossfire and who was responsible. I didn’t know it was a joint effort at the time. Each of them had their own motives and intentions.
a.      First encounter which lead to Zomba
It felt like someone had my house wired because that would have been the only way. I didn’t go around telling everyone that he was there. 
It wasn’t long after the incident with Larry that I met with David Renzer, Zomba, rep but he made me feel uncomfortable. I couldn’t read into his intentions probably because I was tore up from what I was going thru on the
home front and with my music. I felt that it didn’t matter/I didn’t matter – Just get your paper boo-boo or so I thought but my heart and mind betrayed me.
I was a mess and it was my first meeting with David Renzer and the other Jive label representative along with Larry, Roc and Ara, this is when I snapped. I had not seen or talked to Larry in a while so seeing him and being in that situation was upsetting at the time. It felt like I was in a pressure
cooker and all I could think about was what I was told about him taking credit for my lyrics, combined with my emotional state regarding our incident and life on the home front was not good. It was too much so I took it all out on him but he definitely deserved a lot of that verbal lashing (I had not forgiven him).
I am sure that each of them had their reasons and motives for their actions but there is one thing that I am sure of is that their intentions were
definitely self-serving.
Unfortunately, human nature doesn’t always allow for most to wish others well. Instead, it does give many reasons to intervene, attempt to prevent any progress, and spread a
complacent attitude towards doing the right thing.
Per Renzer’s request, I was supposed to submit in writing my claim to my work.
At the onset of what was supposed to be a promising career, these are entries from my actual journals.
December 25, 1993
Journal entry:
‘Hi, it’s me – I had that same
dream again that has been driving me crazy for years. You know the weird part
of the dream is that I am running and each time it’s with different people.
Each time as I plan my escape they are prepared for me. I don’t think I have
ever escaped but I keep trying. Sometimes, the dream is so intense that I can
actually call it a nightmare. On those days that I wake up sweating and tearing
out of the bedroom, only to go turn on the lights.’
‘I think that’s enough about
the dream. I feel compelled to talk music… I’d like to start off by saying that
I think that the problem with Roc and Ara of Art and Rhythm Productions/Studio
is simply said with one word – Egomaniacs.’
‘I just don’t understand why
they would not be focused and it’s not like he’s babyface or somebody. He needs
the help. How could anybody turn down someone like me? I have no problem
working with or even under somebody as long as I am taken care of. Now, that I
know the he has no interest in working with me as a team then I have no choice
but to view them as competition. It’s on – Let the games begin! I finished
“Attraction” (which is now called “Promise Me”, and I think it is a smash. All
I need now is to relay it down. Gangsta Groove is almost complete too.’
‘My concern is this, will these
new people – Mike from KJM, Paul from Vanguard, Darrell C from K&K –
cooperate. I sure hope they don’t let greed or their ego mess up a good thing
The dream that kept
haunting was really a warning, a prediction of what was to come. I no longer
have that dream.
December 27, 1993
Journal entry 11:30am:
‘I was hoping to have something positive
to release on paper but right about now would be a great time to write a sad
song. I paged what’s his name and he has not returned the page. Curtis says
that I haven’t given him enough time to respond. Bullshit. I hate not having
the know-how to create my own music, and then I could be a recluse. Happily at
home with my family, where I am safe or at least safer than being anywhere near
some other self-centered user.  I hate it
when I leave myself open for disappointments. All I can tell myself is that
they know not what they do.  I am good at
this; actually
sometimes I am even
great when I put a little effort into it. These next songs that I send in will
be the shit or they won’t go anywhere. Zomba hasn’t been even sent my paperwork
like they were supposed to. I don’t think they know either. If I choose to move
on and not write I would be hurting myself because I know that I could write
Grammy winning songs. I will not worry, so excuse me but I think it is time to
indulge myself.
December 27, 1993
Journal entry 1:00pm:
‘I received a phone call from
Roc to meet him at the studio in half an hour so I went a little late due to an
unforeseen occurrence. I just paged again so I don’t know so I guess I better
get to work at finishing those for Dave Renzer – Zomba, rep to check out my
stuff and flip out again at my unorthodox methods. Well they make me feel like
I’m fighting to stay on top of things.’
‘In the letter I plan to
mention “Gangsta’s Need Love Too” and my contribution to that song and find out
do they require my signature on anything. Also, request my paperwork from
Blackstone – Zomba, rep and Renzer – Zomba, rep in NY. Yeah, right – all I got
to say is I am pissed off now.’
‘I can’t believe the sucker
didn’t call me back. I must move on.’ ‘Curtis, Sean and I have begun to
critique what I have done and to try to enhance “Gangsta Groove.” “Curtis is
very active in this groove.’
11:00PM –
‘The night ended up horrible.
Background didn’t show. I guess I will have to do it myself. Tyra will not hear
from me for a long time and she will not be singing on anything that I am on.
Sean has let Latonya tell him not to change his style and now he is locked on
what he can and cannot do; which gives me nothing to work with. He is useless
to me now and he doesn’t finish what he starts. I guess I will redo it myself.
By the way Paul never called back around 3:00pm like he said. I will keep
pushing on.’
‘I can’t make it without help
and cooperation. I cannot believe I am rushing and I don’t even know if this
will be wasting my time because Roc is not going to allow me to get anything
over a certain percentage. At times like these, I don’t want to talk to anyone
and I am not from this day forward that is after I phone Dave Renzer regarding
that song with Roc. I refuse to work on another music track with Roc. I refuse
to deal with anyone outside of family. I am so hurt, wounded, drained and
‘Goodnight (anyways), I hope as
long as that damn dream doesn’t come tonight. I can’t help but to think that
they have stolen from me. I must move on and not look back to no one. I will
keep struggling forward.’ ‘I was looking forward to working with: Utopia – Karl
Reed, KJM – Mike, K&K- Darrell, and Ken Johnson – Angelo Bond or Sanchez.
December 28, 1993
Journal entry:
‘I called Kapp Ivory he says he
is ready at the 1st of the year. I have an appointment with KEP
Sounds at 6:00 pm tomorrow. I called Angelo Bond and he is setting something up
that I can be included in on. Finally, I am happy with my work. Strategy is
together. Write hits, and then place hits; it’s just that simple.’
‘I also spoke with Terry Powell
and he is ready to bring me a track too and work with me on Nick and his
December 29, 1993
Journal entry:
‘Kenny Johnson is also prepared
to join forces and kick out hits. I called to request a fax of casting sheet
and procedures but Blackstone – Zomba, rep is out of office until January 5,
‘Curtis and I discussed which
tunes to send and what the letter should say to Dave Renzer – Zomba, rep  and Drew Dixon – Zomba, rep .’
‘I am ready to get paid and if
Zomba chooses to believe then it is their loss because baby, I am unstoppable –
with God’s help of course. A good fight always gives me the energy I need to
kick out hits.’
‘I am Ne Ne – Notoriously
Executing New Era.’
Letter sent to
Zomba/Jive regarding Warner Chapel Deal
Less than a month later, on March 23, 1995
Handwritten Letter sent to Zomba – Re-typed:
137-139 W. 25th
New York, NY 10001
Attn: R. B – Zomba,
It has been brought
to my attention that an artist by the name of Desire (real name Monique), with
the help of Michael Powell, Art & Rhythm’s – Larry Roc Campbell, Paul D.
Allen, and Larry Hatcher has received a 6 album deal with Warner Chapel label
releasing single in May 1995.
{Now how would I have a clue if someone
didn’t tell me and give me specific’s. This is the same public that runs around
breaking their necks to hurt. I was definitely out of the loop but the source
seemed reliable and I did supply a lot of material to all parties included.}
I bring this to your attention because I heard personally and have others confirm blatant similarities to my work and have been derived in full and/or in part from my
copies submitted to Paul D. Allen. of M. Powell’s – Vanguard Studio, Larry Hatcher of Hatcher Hits, Larry Roc Campbell of Art & Rhythm and David R – Zomba, rep .I worked consistent with all parties listed for a period of time. I have split sheet for “Baby Stay With Me” and I heard this finished by her.
I would like for this situation to be taken seriously. In addition, I would like a copy of a detailed Royalty statement for Hi Five’s song, “What can I say to you to justify my love” and a copy of (signed) split sheet for my records.
As a whole, they have collected 30 or more songs from me and they are all on this same project. Larry Roc Campbell
laughed and told me that he received money when I signed with Zomba. How is this possible?
I certainly hope that you will handle my administration of copies of materials that were sent to David R – Zomba, rep; Cherry, Drew D – Zomba, rep, and Kymberlee Thornton –
Zomba, rep. 
Paul D. Allen received a copy and signed split sheets with me. I also have copyrights for the materials:
1.  Why can’t I?
stay with me
Is the
sex still good
your love
Larry Hatcher
received more than 14 songs. Larry Roc Campbell received more than 20 songs.
Of course, Zomba
received copies of all copy-written materials, see list enclosed.
b.      Completed
sheets for musical works submitted to Zomba
I completed split sheets on shared works and
I required signed agreements for those who chose to work on projects with
me.  I was able to secure four or five
writers under my Production Company, Seven West. 
See bottom for Split Sheet:

Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!

Chapter 12: Coping

music industry has some complex rules regarding how things are done with
regards to how money is distributed. If you work for any particular label or
company, your loyalties are supposed to lie with that company. Back then the labels were structured into five major
labels. Even though people are shuffled amongst the different companies, again,
their loyalties were supposed to remain unscathed.
I had my first encounter with writing lyrics, I was living in my home town – Detroit, Michigan.
I wrote for Lee Marcus and Jake Salazar. Lee was connected with the police
department. That was definitely my song lyrics and melody used on that sitcom
prior to Zomba contract.
had refused to sign with other production companies because either they offered
no money or they didn’t seem to have my best interest in mind.
was encouraged by Detroit
attorneys to sign with Zomba. Then after painstaking months of hard work and
submitting multiple lyrics and melodies, I was subjected to harassment.
stepped up for credit and monies for my works and I kept pushing; while Detroit groups were trying
to sabotage.
Lee told me of that story of the girl who was robbed of her lyrical credits
then forced to commit suicide. In addition, he was associated to the police who
never had any good intentions for me because of family’s history.
here I am, all by myself, stuck listening to all my works on the radio,
fighting for what should be mine. Clueless to what was going on around me.
Lee’s group wasn’t
happy, Larry was in the Hi-Five’s video of the song that was used to present
the contract but he didn’t look happy. As I look back the plan was for Lee’s
group to use me for lyrics, make money and then drive me mad. Jake Salazar was
a co-founder of the Tempo Music Group. A coalition of independent record
companies owned by veteran industry professionals and celebrities such as Anita
Baker/Michael Powell, Sylvia Moy, Martha Reeves, Isaiah Thomas,
Thomas Hearns, John Salley, Lee Marcus, and Leonard Jones among
other prominent business colleagues. They all knew each other and they all were
influential in Detroit.
back to the rules…It turns out that some of the people that I had worked with
locally were not supposed to or were in conflict with the plans. It felt like a
game was being played within a game and not all the higher ups were in the
know. I am sure that this type of thing is not uncommon but this had some extra
mess added.
They did not want a woman to succeed; especially me!