
When Proof of Allegations are Ignored…

INTRODUCTION: SWP, LLC has compiled a set of books which shed light on the darkest side of big business and the ‘system’ that profits. Licensing rights available for controversial publications expose major corruption, abuse of power, privacy violations, rape, bullying, etc… against U.S. citizens. It is through these titles that Lovelace has an opportunity to shed light on the tactics that are used to deprive rights, manipulate events which are used to facilitate public support. These publications provide detailed proof of corruption and collusion. This Blog is not just for the aspiring artists but it is also for those who are interested in learning how the world actually operates. These titles reflect the entire process and expose the atrocities from the start of a career in music to the battle with corruption and abuse of power that destroy lives. Everyone has a story but the atrocities that have been allowed to continue blatantly will shock even the most weathered individual. See for yourself:
September 19, 2016 – Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace of SWP,LLC

When Proof of Allegations are Ignored…

This website was organized and compiled with supporting documentation so that each incident can be addressed properly by a legal professional in their field or category. However, after many decades of seeking to exercise my civil and human rights, it is clear that even with clear proof of deprivation of rights and much more…no attorney is willing to go against the ‘system,’ other major attorneys and officials!’

It is extremely difficult to summarized decades of abuse in a single page but this is my attempt to clarify and refute the so-called ‘justification’ that is being used to deprive any opportunity for justice and proper resolution.I was never addressed and I was never given the opportunity to make a choice. No one has ever informed, addressed, consulted or advised me regarding why the need for ‘public access.’

 Consider my family background of being raised as a Jehovah’s Witness by my mother and that my father, Robert Heard currently serving a life sentence in Michigan for allegedly murdering a police officer – Stanley Rapaski and bar owner – Cass Czerwinski. Click here:
Consider my direct association with many music producers in Detroit and my signing a co-publishing agreement with major label in New York has had an impact on my current situation. Racism, sexism and other factors has also contributed to many entities, group and individuals being negatively affected. Millions of dollars in profits made while using plaintiff’s copyrighted material that was submitted and that should have been protected under Co-Publishing Agreement with major music publisher. See copies of Certified Copyright, Split Sheets, etc…at:
Also consider the questionable actions and inactions by the Courts refusal to acknowledge actual supporting documentation and the direct misconduct of the Courts and it’s Clerks editing filings and withholding Plaintiff’s and Complainants submission. See:
If I had not taken care of my legalities; such as, consulting attorneys – prior to signing contracts, securing copyrights and signed split-sheets,… I could accept responsibility if I had not but to have others keep you in the dark while taking your choices and subject you to multiple heinous acts…THIS SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTABLE FOR ANY CULTURE BY ANY CULTURE! 

Coincidentally, I am forced to succumb to public pressure, privacy violations, deprived of any and all resolution while business continues. Coincidentally, I am unable to obtain any direct assistance.The daughter of an African American male who is serving a life sentence for allegedly killing a police officer in the late sixties (while being raised by a mother who hated him) is conveniently being deprived any acknowledgement.

I never dreamed that it could be possible that my life would not be my own.I never thought that officials while acting ‘under color of law’ could refuse to acknowledge her as a human being or ignore clearly questionable, blatant criminal behavior unjustly forced upon her.

Everyone can tell lies and manipulate for decades but I don’t have to lie…I PROVIDE PROOF!

See: or Click here General Request For Assistance ‘Tab’ located on the left.

The letter below is in response to the General Request for Assistance.

  • There has never been any option for obtaining legal representation due to major entities involved and multiple events that officials disregard.

Note: This is an example of the blatant disregard and questionable response (allegedly) from officials regarding atrocities…

This is a copy of the most recent response addressed from the Department of Justice in reference to Request for Assistance regarding allegations (which included supporting documentation) showing blatant disregard for civil and human rights.

Note: Letter has no name listed; yet, initialed – AM 


Although envelope has wrong zip code, this letter was delivered within (2) two days D.C. TO NV. 

NOTE: This letter dated September 16, 2015 has an incorrect zip code listed so I have no idea how this piece of mail was delivered promptly. D.C to NV in 2 days? This letter does not have a full signature or name of respondent.
Again, there has never been any option for obtaining legal representation due to major entities involved and multiple events that officials disregard.
The legal system, police and courts refuse to acknowledge any claims in any case spanning years and even recent criminal acts involving police or judicial misconduct…while the public is used to spread rumors to justify modern day enslavement.

Emails and faxes are repeatedly blocked or automatically generate a mail delivery  error (SCROLL EACH PAGE):

I have contacted two congresspersons – Congressman Joe Heck by fax and Congresswoman Dina Titus but no response:


I set up an account and paid for fax services. I have never had any problems with my faxes going through…

I have attempted to contact JUDICIAL WATCH…

More Blatant Corruption

I can image how many citizens contact your offices seeking help so I will spare you the lengthy request. I have already contacted every senators, congresspersons, group, organization, agency but clearly due to abuse of power, influence, payoff’s, intimidation and violence…everyone is turning a blind eye. 

There is blatant proof of judicial misconduct at this website.

IT’S NOT JUST GOOGLE…I received same issues with OUTLOOK too!




The courts ignored actual violence and facts while attributing ‘violence’ to being a product of plaintiffs ovarian cystectomy (female surgery)…


There was individuals who were assaulted, shot, double homicides, etc…but no one addressed or acknowledged each incident.I am not an attorney but due to most turning a blind eye, I have been forced to take matters in my own hands. I do not have to tell you how dangerous this can be but I refuse to be bullied out of my civil and human rights without a good fight.

I have reached out to many of the legal aids organizations but in spite of ‘obstruction of justice’ and many other unethical behaviors (which have clearly violated my civil rights)…some have attempted to use the statutes of limitations to dissuade the pursuit of justice.
It is as if they are disregarding that the law stipulates that civil rights violations have no statute of limitations.

Ultimately, I counted on my rights as a U.S. citizen…never considering that any could manipulate events to promote mass deception, placing blame on me.
Unaware that the ‘system’ that is supposed to guarantee our rights, could care less about a black female from Detroit. I had no idea that these multiple well-connected, organized groups and entities could do anything to me without repercussion or consequences.
It was bad enough that this society has a history of inhumane cruelty to minorities and that my family background would have me on their evil radar. After being subjected to their sexism, now I was allegedly to blame for racism, itself.
For many years, I have been seeking legal assistance with serious violations of constitutional laws. Throughout the years, I have been given many reasons as to why no one will help me…I have been told that I am in the wrong country. I was told that I blamed the wrong people for my copyright infringements.

It has been implied that I am the reason people have been negatively impacted: yet, I received no communication or explanation – just blame.What is funny is that for decades, I have had multiple strangers insinuate that the public has implicated an agreed ‘slave’ sum of $2 million for 20-30 years of rape, violence, intimidation and more! It has been these monsters running joke for decades!

Many blame ‘my situation’ on racism and sexism, while ‘my public’ has mocked, harassed and laughed while making it a point to imply that both; blacks and whites have united in denying any resolution due to possible violence stemming from onset.
For decades, I have been told that nothing will ever change and that I should kill myself.
Every reason that can be thought of is being used to induce public’s support in denying me resolution and some have even gone so far as to spread vicious rumors of me being a child molester (which is a lie).
I have only attempted to exercise my civil and human rights! I have always worked, legally protected myself and secured proper documentation when conducting business. As an adult, I have NEVER hurt anyone.

I have never been strung out on drugs, an alcoholic or had any mental issues that would be used to justify mistreatment.Even if I were, that would not explain why I am unable to obtain legal representation against the major entities that have allowed, initiated and encouraged blatant civil and human rights violations and obstruction of justice, etc…

REVIEW PAGES 1-19 OF Part II – INVISIBLE: Judicial Misconduct Exposed! (Scroll on right)

Youtube Video Shows actual complaint:
YouTube Video shows Clerk not follow court procedures: 


This is unacceptable by any culture!

Please take a few moments to review the Gallery  ” tab” for some of the documents that are included in the title, “Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!” which provides further details. However, these extra documents are not included within the General Request Pages. 1-40 – scroll below).In my efforts to seek and obtain legal assistance, I have experienced email/mail tampering, unexplained delivery delays, unauthorized website/blog changes and issues with sharing information.

This website was initiated In order to ensure that the information provided, attached and included within any request, reaches the intended legal professional(s) in full and without being compromised.I was never addressed and I was never given the opportunity to make a choice.

No one has ever informed, addressed, consulted or advised me regarding why the need for ‘public access.’Consider my family background of being raised by mother as a Jehovah’s Witness and my father, Robert Heard currently serving a life sentence in Michigan for allegedly murdering a police officer – Stanley Rapaski and bar owner – Cass Czerwinski.

 Everyone can tell lies and manipulate for decades but I don’t have to lie…





My direct association with many music producers in Detroit and my signing a co-publishing agreement with major label in New York has had an impact on my current situation. Racism, sexism and other factors has also contributed to many entities, group and individuals being negatively affected.


Although I have supporting documentation regarding major civil rights violations and obstruction of justice (that do not have statutes of limitations)…I am being denied any legal recourse or any opportunity for proper resolution. Meanwhile, I am continually subjected to public ridicule, harassment, etc…

Of Course, this is being used to deter legal assistance.


Commission never asked who they represented on conflict of interest complaint...

If I had not taken care of my legalities; such as, consulting attorneys – prior to signing contracts, securing copyrights and signed split-sheets – CERTIFIED COPYRIGHT CERTIFICATES AND SPLIT SHEETS
The decision was made…. people used their influence and power because every outlet from privacy violations, the public, television programming, radio, employers to inflict harm and to attempt to induce suicide. Many were physically hurt to persuade mass cooperation and cooperate, they have (at least where I’ve been!
Many have used others instances of injustice and hardships in an effort to desensitize, minimizing the criminal and civil wrongdoings as if it should just be a normal part of life. However, a lifetime of deliberate obstruction and wrongs combined with continued unnatural incidents (including violence) only confirms this is not the same.

These efforts to deceive are easily categorized as attempts to suppress the truth behind disregarding facts; thus, cementing this oppression.The difference between similar instances of injustice is the criminal behavior used to facilitate, manipulate and cement the oppression for others to profit. Meanwhile, the masses are being fed information which promotes hostility and vengeance regarding incidents that are happening behind the scenes (violent incidents that are not acknowledged).

Most aren’t placed in a position to be judged daily by all through public access.

They don’t have to fight everyone AND major corruption. People have understanding, empathy. They have support, encouragement, publicity, acknowledgements, and movies, exposure and have others sharing their story.I have organized a substantial amount of supporting documentation regarding multiple legal situations; which involves, copyright infringements, breach of contract, civil rights violations, mail tampering, court tampering, accusations of antitrust violations, unfair trade practice, unfair competition and violent acts.


If you are interested in providing any assistance, please feel free to comment or contact me. No login is required to view a small portion of documents which support allegations and substantiate claims and can be accessed at: General Request For Help ‘tab’ above or Click Here.If you prefer not to login, please glance at the Gallery and/or see below for a ‘peek’ into some of the major legal concerns.

For More, Visit:


Self Interview – Tiwanda Lovelace December 12, 2015


 (Shown below)


(scroll up or down options are on the right.)

This is an example of the blatant disregard and questionable response (allegedly) from officials regarding atrocities…

This is a copy of the most recent response from the Department of Justice in reference to allegations (which included supporting documentation) showing blatant disregard for civil and human rights:

 NOTE: This letter has an incorrect zip code listed so I have no idea how this piece of mail was delivered promptly. This letter does not have a full signature or name of respondent.

This is a completely ridiculous and an unacceptable way to handle another human being; especially, a U.S. Citizen.

When I write a book about my experiences, which expose the atrocities, my titles are flooding with other sellers:

Other sellers are deliberately mocking the publication…
One Seller has it priced as $0.78 Used – but all outlets report $0.00 sales to me!
Another seller is having fun listing this title for sale as $



Google search was advertising my book for $0.99 cents, while I had it listed as $19.99
Thank you for your interest!
Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace

Please contact me using any of the emails, phone numbers and website contact forms at any of the following websites -Note: Remember that those in positions have been able to thwart justice and hinder assistance using technology. Some of my calls are not getting through and some of my emails are not being received so please try to reach me and if I don’t respond please use another method of contact because I am very serious about obtaining proper resolution!

Phone: (702) 900-4087, (702)860-0116
See March 3, 2016 video of response from a Civil Rights Organizations representative’s ‘defeatist’ attitude and who clearly has no interest in actually providing assistance. Visit: (This org. is the 1st listing for assistance from an online search engine).
Video shows Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights is too busy and could care less about standing up for people’s rights or at least this African-American female. Why do people fund these types of programs? If they don’t actually have any intention of doing what they allege, why do they continue to operate? Are they in place to weed out those who don’t accept ‘slavery?’ Are they in place to add to the despair of those who are already facing the vilest of violations by nonchalantly telling them to ‘buzz off’? 
L.C.C.R. of San Francisco, CA 94105 Showed complete disregard for individual’s civil rights and their response to allegations was disgusting for an organization who is supposed to represent the fight for civil rights. 
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights apparently believes that violations are acceptable for certain individuals…It’s ridiculous that according to their rep, “…it’s happening to a lot of people…” so therefore, he was saying, ‘whatever!’ It went from him not having time to even look at the 2-page letter to tell me more, then he abruptly said, ‘don’t be surprised if I cut you off… It’s truly sad when those who are in place to assist, demonstrates that they could care less! 
The woman who went to get their other rep. laughed as the man came to get the 2-page letter and my business card. I will be releasing the audio of the D.O.J. response to allegations of misconduct and more…
NOTE: Correction – ‘Not the son of the chief of Police but still related’ (either way, it is a very strange coincidence). 

These Titles provide substantiated proof of allegations and more – GET YOUR COPIES TODAY!

INVISIBLE: Living in America without Rights! and Part II – INVISIBLE: Judicial Misconduct Exposed!
This purchase includes (6) files: ILIA Cover – Front, ILIA Part I Interior – PDF, ILIA Interior – EPUB, ILIA Cover Back. BONUS! ILIA Part II: Judicial Misconduct Exposed! Interior – PDF and ILIA Part II Cover – Front.
Download full eBook Version at:
Use Coupon Code – SAVE3 to save $3.00

Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!This purchase includes (4) files: MBIADG Cover – Front, MBIADG Interior – PDF, MBIADG Interior – EPUB and NEW BACK cover – MBIADG.

Download full eBook Version at: 
Use Coupon Code – SAVE3 to save $3.00

Music, Murder and Mayhem A True Story!This purchase includes (4) files: MMM Cover – Front, MMM Interior – PDF, MMM Interior – EPUB and NEW BACK cover – MMM.

Download full eBook Version at:
Use Coupon Code – SAVE3 to save $3.00
 P.O. BOX 400001, LAS VEGAS, NV 89140 Ph. (877) 885- 2944

Note from Author:I have had people completely disregard the most heinous acts and mistreatment under the guise that my writing allegedly reflects poor grammar. I am supposed to be this uneducated, ignorant and unworthy individual who cannot compile a sentence.

I am super stressed, constantly bombarded and subjected to repeated unnatural events who is trying to exercise her rights to live so I’m sure a few typos can be overlooked.I am one person. I am the only person in the whole world that cares about my freedom and my struggles.

I am using the only method that is available to me to fight for the right to exist and to be recognized as a human being. I copy and paste between article.I am constantly having to battle major opposition, racism, sexism and stupidity.

Everything that I release, write and share has to go through many programs, people and technology. I use spell-check and attempt to review every article. When I release my recordings, they reflect my thoughts and the message is far more important than the grammar used.
Please consider that the information on these blogs, websites and titles are in direct conflict with multiple entities and groups. I have provided a multitude of supporting documentation which clearly shows opposition. I do not know what you receive on your end but if you are receiving copies with poor grammar and poor punctuation…there is a good chance that you are not receiving genuine publisher approved final copies.

Copyright © 2015 Created and Written by Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ LovelaceAll rights reserved. No part of this website, blog or books may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the plaintiff or publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages. Legal professionals may utilize this website in order to determine if they are interested in providing assistance.

NOTE: Accessing, registering or using Login info does not constitute legal representation and you are under no obligation to represent if you chose not to. Please use discretion when accessing the information provided. Legal professionals may utilize this website in order to determine if they are interested in providing assistance.

Please feel free to forward your access to any other legal organization, firm or group that may be in a position to provide assistance as long as you do not knowingly refer to another entity that may have a conflict of interest.

Exercising my rights



Copyright © 1990 – 2013
Created and Written by Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace All rights reserved. No part of
this blog or books may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical
means, including information storage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages.

For more information, please contact 
Phone: (702)900-4087 or (702)860-0116

Sample Copy: INVISIBLE: Judicial Misconduct Exposed!

Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace  Bio Email Website | Twitter | YouTube | Online Store  Weekly News: May 27, 2016

INVISIBLE: Judicial Misconduct Exposed!

While each post and publication exposes the many civil and criminal violations, the main groups and entities continue to pass the ‘buck’ back and forth. Using each post and publication to blame the other in an effort to avoid accepting responsibility. In essence, these blatant violations are never addressed directly by those that are empowered to resolve because; each, places blame on the other or worse, they blame the subject of the violation.

It is through ‘redirection and misdirection’ that contributes to decades of continued abuse against one individual. I expose the deliberate, willful harmful tactics used which has kept me impoverished and subjected for the sole purpose of obtaining proper resolution and to be acknowledges as a human being with rights. Clearly, this has been a combined effort through deliberate action and inaction of opposing entities continue to attempt to evade their responsibility. All equally determined to cement this oppression and deprivation of rights!

Everything on these website and publications are true and they provide supporting documentation for all allegations. There is no disputing the information found on any of the websites used to expose the atrocities that have continued for decades. I also provide videos that support an unnatural amount of coincidental incidents of abuse, see:

See a sample of blatant deprivation of rights and obstruction of justice!

Below the letters and initials referenced are defined as: 
COM – Complaint of Misconduct & COA – Court of Appeals
SAMPLE BONUS Included with purchase of Part I:
INVISIBLE: Judicial Misconduct Exposed!

Chapter 6: Justice – Not a Popularity Contest 
This book demonstrates how some individuals are deliberately oppressed and denied rights by those that are in positions to manipulate the courts to ensure injustice continues. This title discusses judicial misconduct and ‘obstruction of justice’ and deprivation of rights at the hands of the courts and its clerks. Tile includes actual physical evidence and proof of deliberate deprivation through courts and its clerks tampering, editing, withholding, modifying filings and disregarding its own court’s rules and procedures.
Review actual proof of Courts and its Clerks these allegations and more!

Review: Complaint of Judicial Misconduct

Immediately below is a copy of the Complaint of Judicial Misconduct recently filed in 2015 (which includes background summary. I appreciate your discretion in protecting confidential information. I am seeking legal representation with regards to my allegations involving DeKalb County, the courts in the Northern District of GA and the COA-Court of Appeals.

I have reached out to many legal aid organizations but in spite of ‘obstruction’ and many other unethical behaviors…some have attempted to use the statutes of limitations to dissuade even though the laws clearly state ‘statutes of limitations are not applicable. I may not be an attorney but like many others, I love reading and studying case
laws and the constitutional laws, etc.

I am constantly misrepresented by those who are in a position to thwart justice and I do not have to tell you how people rally against you when suing governmental agencies; such as, the police. The first response commonly used is, “It’s YOUR tax dollars…”
No one realizes that this only supports and condone continued civil rights violations. Again, I recognize that this is an extremely difficult task but I have faith that this can be remedied. The following pages are actual copies of a Complaint of Judicial Misconduct which clearly demonstrates how the courts own rules and procedures are misused,
ignored and/or are completely disregarded for the purposes of deliberately denying equal justice and done in an effort to support the deprivation of rights. There will be no question as to how the entire process is clearly
Link for: Form for Judicial Conduct Complaint GA-SF 1-82-SIGNED

As we begin to review the many supporting documentation provided in this publication, the first thing that should be addressed is the Rules and Procedures that are supposed to govern the judicial process.

In the previous publication, INVISIBLE: Living in America Without Rights we reviewed the basics regarding the filing of the lawsuit or Complaint.

The following page provides information regarding the Courts Clerks duties when accepting Complaints of Judicial Misconduct in accordance the Rules for judicial 
Conduct with Eleventh Circuit Judicial Conduct and Disability Rules.
Keep in mind that the reason for the filing of the COMPLAINT OF MISCONDUCT was due to this same kind of questionable behavior involving manipulating motions and filings; such as, a ‘switch-a-roo’ tactics. Courts/Clerks editing filings, withholding and ignoring laws, rules and procedures facilitates the deprivation of rights
through obstruction of justice.
8. Action by Clerk
(a) Receipt of Complaint. Upon receiving a complaint against a judge filed under Rule 5 or 6, the circuit clerk must open a file, assign a docket number according to a uniform numbering scheme promulgated by the
Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability, and acknowledge the complaint’s receipt.
(b) Distribution of Copies. The clerk must promptly send copies of a complaint filed under Rule 6 to the chief judge or the judge authorized to act as chief judge under Rule 25(1), and copies of complaints filed under Rule
5 or 6 to each subject judge. The clerk must retain the original complaint. Any further distribution should be as provided by local rule.(c) Complaints Against Non-covered Persons. If the clerk receives a complaint about a person not holding an office described in Rule 4, the clerk must not accept the complaint for filing under these Rules.(d) Receipt of Complaint about a Judge and Another Non-covered Person. If a complaint is received about a judge described in Rule 4 and a person not holding an office described in Rule 4, the clerk must accept the complaint for filing under these Rules only with regard to the judge and must inform the complainant of the limitation.
See image below duplicates above, in large text:
Note: This is a copy of the first page of the Complaint of Judicial Misconduct that was submitted on August 11, 2015. The red arrows and text highlighted is used to identify specific information.


Note: This is a copy of the first page of the Complaint of Judicial Misconduct that was EDITED by Courts/Clerks to reflect a receipt date of August 12, 2015. The red/orange arrows and text highlighted are used to identify specific information.

This Document should have been stamped and assigned a docket # at time of submission, per Court Rules…Instead, the date was changed from August 11, 2015 to August 12, 2015.The notation at the bottom of this filing which alerted Courts of attachments, was edited out and/or removed.This filing had 69+ pages of supporting documentation. Each labeled as COM, numbered and listed as attachments.

clear copy of page that was mysteriously blurred

copy of 1st page showing generic stamp and other detailed info clerks later edited -smaller

These filing were bound; however, Courts clerk requested unbound copy (as shown in email request). (Suddenly the copy of certain files are blurred but they were not blurred when I posted them…)


I provided courts with proper number of copies that are required by courts rules and procedures!

because there was no docket number
assigned and the stamp used was not initialed. In fact, when I question him about the Docket #…he gave me the copy of the first page that was stamped with different stamp and it was initialed.

When I met with Kennerly to give him the requested unbound copy, he provided me with a copy of stamped C.O.M. with a Docket # (finally). it was nothing like the copy that the courts initially returned.

YouTube Video –

I have a video of incident which clearly shows clerk’s misconduct when receiving Judicial Complaint of Misconduct. Afterward, the executive clerk requested unbound copies although video shows that I submitted (4) bound copies. I provided 82 pages which included clear, undeniable proof of misconduct but the ruling stated that I did not provide supporting documentation.

When I requested a cover sheet because the initial clerk only provided a generic date stamp, the executive clerk gave me a copy which was completely different from the generic stamp and it included the case docket number but it did not reflect that it came from my bound copies. The ruling still never addresses that the courts ignored clerks were supposed to serve Defendants.

Keep in mind that the reason for the filing of the COMPLAINT OF MISCONDUCT was due to this same kind of behavior involving manipulating motions and filings; such as, a ‘switch-a-roo,’ Clerks editing filings, withholding and obstruction.

The judge neglected to reference further:

However, Rule (3) (A) does include: …If the decision or ruling is alleged to be the result of an
improper motive, e.g., a bribe, ex parte contact, racial or ethnic bias, or improper conduct in
rendering a decision or ruling, such as personally derogatory remarks irrelevant to the issues, the
complaint is not cognizable to the extent that it attacks the merits. 


(B) an allegation about delay in rendering a decision or ruling, unless the allegation concerns an improper motive in delaying a particular decision. With regard to Rule 3(h)(3)(B), a complaint of delay in a single case is excluded as merits-related…But, by the same token, …or an allegation of deliberate delay in a single case arising out of an illicit motive, is not merits-related.

In addition, this complaint also addresses the conduct of the Courts and not only the rulings but
the following of its own Rules and Procedures. 

The Bound COM/ Judicial Complaint included 70+ pages of documents supporting alleged misconduct; 

1. Litigant…was treated in a demonstrably egregious and hostile manner; AND 

2. The Court(s) delay of this Complaint arose out of an illicit motive and in order to
assist the Def. who are a governmental entity, evade accountability; AND 

3. The judge’s used their office to offer special treatment when minority Pltf. files suit
against governmental agencies; AND

Discrimination against minority female litigant on account of race, ethnicity, sex…through manipulation of filings/docket entries; thus, obstructing justice.’ 

See Bound COM pgs. 8-77. 

Each act alleged, leads to a substantial and widespread lowering the public’s confidence in the
courts. Each instance listed would never have happened so blatantly if Pltf. were not a minority
female filing in Forma Pauperis. 

In my cover letter for Petition for Review, I humbly requested to meet with the Committee directly so that I may explain each allegation to show misconduct and compare the submitted Complaint with the one that the Chief Judge was provided. 

Each page of attachments was referenced within the Complaint and highlighted with explanation
demonstrating the alleged misconduct.

I was never contacted and I never received a copy of this 01-20-2016 decision. Plaintiff decided to check online and only then discovered the Ruling.

The final Petition for Review of Complaint of Judicial Misconduct is available at:! This PDF summarizes the entire process, from allegations to highlighting how courts own officers ignored courts rules.
INVISIBLE: Living in America without Rights!

Chapter 6: Justice – Not a Popularity Contest 

Being ostracized from society has been very difficult but it allows insight to what others find easy to overlook. Because of my current treatment, it is clear that I am not the one living in the past and that my ‘so-called’ past is alive and is currently kicking me in the head! After all these attempts to resolve my predicament, I was brokenhearted. I would have never thought that this would be possible. Not in America, I refused to believe my eyes. 

What could one person have done to justify this kind of exile? All I did was request those rights that I was told that I had and I stood up for myself. There had to be some type of mass deception or serious manipulation at work. I have never given permission for any filming or video surveillance’s but my privacy is constantly violated. 

It is implied that this is some type of protection but it appears that the only protection that I need is from those that are keeping me held down and persecuted. These are the same people that have orchestrated all events to ensure that there trap holds. There is always reference made to someone being a ‘pet.’ There is always the use of the words stay or sit. I am no one’s pet. These derogatory comments and references are made too many times to be coincidences. 

All of the cities that I have lived in have been supportive of my oppression. No one wants to address the gross misconducts, cover-ups and blatant criminal activity. 

SAMPLE BONUS Included with purchase of Part I:
INVISIBLE: Judicial Misconduct Exposed! (shown below Part I)

Well I have no intentions of allowing this to continue without a fight. I spent many years in pure pain and anguish, hoping that with time things would get better. All the while, I was trying to raise two young boys alone without any real support knowing that they would suffer a similar fate just because they were mine. I put all I had into them, keeping them from everything harmful, giving them the little knowledge I had and hopefully the ability to make good decisions. 

I have spent many pain-staking hours writing, editing and revising my first book and I have made some changes in my life to allow for a short period of time to promote the book as well. Of course, I expected some opposition in my efforts to express my side of events. 

I wanted to have an outlet to express to those who would give me a chance to stand up for myself against all the lies and painted pictures of my being this self-centered villain going around destroying lives. At least that is how I felt that I was being treated. It is hard to accept mistreatment when you don’t feel that it is warranted. 

I traced every footstep and every move that I made for as far back as I could to try to figure out why I was chosen to carry this burden of guilt that people would thrust upon me, daily. I made some harsh discoveries about my families past and about the world that I am forced to live in. 

Unaware of the depths that some will go to in an attempt to inflict harm on others; I went through life oblivious to some of the traps and snares. Although some would call this life that I lead – a blessed one, I don’t always feel that way. 

If you don’t like a person for whatever the reasons are, it doesn’t give you the right to take their life from them. There should never be an opportunity for others to have the ability to gang up on one person simply because they can. 

When a system enables or creates an environment where citizens are encouraged to publicly violate, harass, and abuse any one person at will, the system itself willfully promotes slavery. 

Using the misinformed public to administer some kind of mob justice or simply allowing the angry masses to ensure injustice continues is cruel and inhumane.

If these same people who choose to either ignore or actively participate in this wicked game of harming and hindering were alive in the days when blatant slavery was running rampant…’we’ would all still be slaves in physical chains. 

I used the words ‘we’ because it is not just a black thing, it is the poor people who have always suffered. It is clear that I have expressed my viewpoint on reaching a point of resolution. It is unacceptable for me to be disregarded and cut off from justice when I know that many are able to enjoy the luxury of having rights. Regardless of what lies and manipulations are being promoted, I have not hurt anyone.

Justice should not be based on popularity!

Available for Download and in Print!

Invisible: Living in America without Rights! – This book demonstrates how some individuals are deliberately oppressed and denied rights by those that are in positions to manipulate the courts to ensure injustice continues. This title discusses how some high profile case where some have been made invisible when the legal system falls short of providing justice. Therefore, by limiting assistance and preventing Due Process they enslave individuals by using their money, power and positions to deny rights that should be guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Invisible: Judicial Misconduct Exposed! –This book demonstrates how some individuals are deliberately oppressed and denied rights by those that are in positions to manipulate the courts to ensure injustice continues. This title discusses judicial misconduct and ‘obstruction of justice’ and deprivation of rights at the hands of the courts and its clerks. Tile includes actual physical evidence and proof of deliberate deprivation through courts and its clerks tampering, editing, withholding, modifying filings and disregarding its own court’s rules and procedures.
Review actual proof of these allegations and more!


$9.99 – PURCHASEExcluding 7.1501% tax

Intellectual Property Rights Licensing Available! (click below)

Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game! – Although many have protected themselves in every way, many artist, writers and producers have been denied the opportunity to even pursue their claims and are forced to fight for their rights. This book uses personal experience from direct association with major music industry personnel, contracts with major music publisher. This book is not just for the aspiring artists but it is also for those who are interested in learning how the world actually operates. This book calls attention to the events that lead to major entities being exposed, corruption, greed, lies, hypocrisy and even murder – past to present! Read more
$9.99 – PURCHASEExcluding 7.1501% tax
Music, Murder and Mayhem – A True Story! – This is an un-cut non-fiction description of how the music entertainment business murders its artist and writers quietly behind the scenes. It is important that people understand the ‘game’ and how it ultimately affects others. The documentation provided along with my personal experiences shared in this book should demonstrate the lengths that those who have abused their positions to strip individuals of their life publicly by using illegal tactics, mass deception and intimidation.
$6.99 – PURCHASEExcluding 7.1501% tax
Little Girls Beware: A Guide to Surviving – This title focuses on the upbringing and the differences between how we raise our daughters and our sons. This title exposes a centuries old ploy that is passed down through generations to exploit our daughters.  It addresses the stigma placed upon the females; especially, when in conflict with male counterparts. Compares both points of views when dissecting views on interracial relationships; both, past and present. Everything that a young woman should be aware of in order to survive in a desensitized world where her value is measured by her appearance and/or others ability to profit.
Everything on these website and publications are true and they provide supporting documentation for all allegations. There is no disputing the information found on any of the websites used to expose the atrocities that have continued for decades. I also provide videos that support an unnatural amount of coincidental incidents of abuse, see:

For more, visit:


P.O. BOX 400001, LAS VEGAS, NV 89140 (877) 885- 2944

Official Websites – &

Bullies: The Problem with Justice…

Bullies: The Problem with Justice…

Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 
E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: May 1, 2015 Updated and Re-Posted March 13, 2016

Help support my Booster Campaign to obtain legal representation @

Most behave as if there is nothing that we can do to stop this Roller-Coaster filled with strife called, Life. There are those who believe that we allow whatever nightmares to continue as if some actually deserve to be bullied.
Some insinuate that the answer is to sue, fight, go to this person or this group….but the fact is because of obstruction, mail tampering, officials ignoring violations and the courts refusing to acknowledge actual supportive evidence, etc…most are stuck in a twisted, ‘free-for-all’. (See proof of how courts ignore its own rules and disregard actual evidence at Misconduct)

Like many others, I have filed lawsuits, complaints. Upon learning that in addition to having to address both civil and criminal abuse, I also had to deal with ‘obstruction of justice’ from the courts and its clerks. I was forced to file complaints of judicial misconduct that contained clear and blatant proof where the clerks edited, withheld filings, ignored courts own rules, demonstrated blatant bias and much more. For your review, please visit:

Sometimes I am truly in disbelief that some of the things are really happening but of course someone will always remind me just how cruel a place the world can be (as if it is a normal part of life).

INSERT FROM MUSIC BUSINESS: IT’S A DIRTY GAME! NONFICTION – This title calls attention to the events that lead to major entities being exposed, corruption, greed, lies, hypocrisy and even murder.
“According to Michigan Department of Corrections, my father – Robert Heard, was convicted of murdering a Detroit Police Officer, Stanley Rapaski and the bar owner, Cass Czerwinski. I was told that my father was with someone else who was attempting to rob a local bar while Rapaski was there off duty on January 10, 1969. There are many different versions available online.
The officer and the bar owner, Cass Czerwinski, was shot and killed in the process. I wonder if Cass Czerwinski, the bar owner’s family were influential, powerful people that could keep their names out of the press. 
I am still researching both parties; however, with the level
of disregard for civil and human rights, judicial misconduct, violence…I
can’t help but wonder if Czerwinski is related to Democratic Representative
Joseph C. Czerwinski because there are entities utilizing great and powerful
influence; going to extremes and great lengths to prevent resolution and to
deter any real assistance.”
In this book you will learn about actual individuals who are connected to the major music publishing companies that profit and who yields power; such as, Paul Katz. Katz alleges to have interest in civil and human rights; however, it was under his reign at Zomba, that all kinds of allegations of copyrights infringement were happening to their writers, IN HOUSE….
It was Zomba’s own contracted writer(s) who was being subjected to alleged copyrights infringement (after musical works were submitted and discussed with their reps.). These infringements were followed by intimidation tactics, violence, and much more…. what hypocrisy!
Everyone at Zomba was in on it, supposedly trying to show support for the other major players that were manipulating for their own benefit and for their own financial goals.
Learn about how every resource and outlet is used in an effort to initiate hardship on those who insist on exercising their rights while discouraging their desire to seek resolution as if to say, ‘Let it go!’ ‘We do this to everyone so there is no hope…’ ‘We buy your friends and family support…’
Learn the entire process which demonstrates egregious intent to influence a sense of hopelessness.


When the smell of violence was fresh and ‘street justice’ was being used inflict further damage, the initial response from professionals (both, legal and official) was, “(We) can’t help you…” or the return of packages requesting assistance with a brief response declining any interest.

After decades of deprivation, harassment, intimidation, obstruction and threats of violence… suddenly it becomes the time for the so-called ‘statutes of limitations’ justification to be used to deter proper resolution. Any legal professional is clearly aware that there are no ‘statutes of limitations’ on civil rights violations.
It has become customary for the Artist/Writers to be disregarded when it is time to share in the profits…Doesn’t that sounds like slavery!
Everyone has a story but the atrocities that have been allowed to continue blatantly will shock even the most weathered individual…
This book is not just for the aspiring artists and songwriters but is also beneficial for those who are interested in learning how the world that we live in actually operates.

I stumbled upon a website while researching Katz and I found an article who mentions a Katz:

“…In addition to building on its success, BMG will “continue to fight for our writers’ rights,” Katz says. “[Writers] are not fully acknowledged for [their] contribution in the streaming market.”

When I read comments like this one, I know from personal experience that this is bull-crap. Keep in mind that I clearly understand that all people are familiar and have publicly witnessed many artist suffer similar tragedies without intervening. 

It’s almost as if the individuals or entities who claim and/or which are positioned to support civil and human rights are not only least likely to assist but they are actually directly associated with or most likely guilty of being the violators themselves. 

It’s like when you search online for Civil Rights Lawyer’s…the first one that displays in the results are the least likely to assist. It’s almost like a ‘deliberate, defeatist’ attitude that is meant to dissuade.

Unfortunately due to my situation, I find that it is best to video or record most interactions because of previous encounters where I experienced ‘abuse of power or position.’ In most cases, I do not resort to using these recordings UNLESS the interaction is deemed extremely and unnecessarily offensive or demonstrates egregious intent to influence a sense of hopelessness.

See March 3, 2016 video of response from a Civil Rights Organizations representative’s ‘defeatist’ attitude and who clearly has no interest in actually providing assistance. Visit:

I have been running around the entire U.S., requesting assistance with my civil and human rights violations that are associated with my major co-publishing agreement, copyright infringements, breach of contract, obstruction of justice and much more but NO ONE will even address these matters. Officials have disregarded multiple civil and criminal activity. 

See mail receipts of List of Governmental, Local Agencies and Groups contacted Requesting Assistance: 

DOJ Recent Response – 2015:

Page 1:
Page 2:

Page 3:

Everyone who is in a position of addressing the many atrocities that have been forced on individuals, seek to present themselves as upstanding, decent, law-abiding citizens who actually care about civil rights and human rights; yet, they turn a blind eye and continue to profit from the violence like it’s a sport. 

While the Artists/Songwriter’s name is sullied and drug through the figurative ‘mud,’ those who profit hide and pretend to separate themselves from the inhumane treatment and dehumanization of many writers and artist who fall a victim to a ‘system’ that vilifies ANY who would call attention to the truth. 

Although I have compiled numerous supporting documentation, I have found it difficult to obtain a lawyer that will acknowledge any aspect of these legal issues. I have had a few attorneys who have (in an effort to dissuade) quoted some outrageous amount that they know that I do not have. 

In preparation for an attorney, I have compiled a list of questions but I have not even had long enough contact to even ask…

Which aspect of the case would you be interested in?

Is it best to divide these legal issues under multiple legal representation?

Are you in a position to get entities to the table?

What strategy would be taken to address civil and/or criminal violations? 

How to address governmental inaction and obstruction?

With C.O.M/JUDICIAL COMPLAINT, which Jurisdiction or would you implement a change of venue?

Have you ever sued or been involved with similar cases (on either defense or prosecutor)? If so, what was the outcome?

How long does a case like this usually take before resolution is obtained?

Do you prefer litigation or settlement?

Which strategy would be best to decrease time frame? 

Would continuing to publish aid or cause harm to process?

Is Criminal and/or Civil litigation necessary with these blatant violations?

How would you began?

I guess that the first step would be to find someone without ties to the music industry or politicians, who actually believes in individuals having civil and human rights!

Who would you choose after 20-30 years of unnatural, deliberate abuse without no real
intervention from anyone? 
Not unlike most people who are in bad situations or stuck between multiple major opponents, I picked what any normal, logical person would – my side.
Seriously, the real problem really starts when some believe that they are all powerful and that they can pick and choose who it is that are allowed to have rights and those who can be victimized or not. 
I heard a comment today regarding Justice and how it is perceived by those in positions and I was surprised.
There was reference to Justice being awarded only or solely based on how many other
individuals deem that a matter is important enough to address. Immediately I’m thinking, ‘Here we are again, back on the ‘power in number’ scenario….
Let me say that there has been decades of those uniting for many plights but there
have been few real, lasting victories. 

I certainly hope that this is not an excuse for inaction because if this is the case then I would have to disagree. 

Of course, the logic behind the whole ‘power in numbers’ idea is commendable; however, as usual and in most case the idea is perverted, manipulated and misused by those in positions and for personal gains.

Again, it seems like an excuse and it does not justify ignoring (any) atrocities. 
To say that an individual or small group would have no recourse  unless supported by many, would be openly accepting a form of slavery or enslavement. 
This would mean that as long as ANY group, individual or party could initiate intimidation, violence, etc… in an effort to defer or dissuade interest in the support of resolution. That is all that would be needed to deny justice.
There is a huge problem with Justice, if it solely relies on the support of the many
instead of what is right and wrong. Are we that far gone to simply except words
and reasons that justify evil? It is the same when referring to ‘statute of limitations’…as long as individuals/entities/officials refuse to even acknowledge that civil rights violations have no statutes of limitations. 

The whole purpose of not having ‘statutes of limitations’ on civil rights violations is because of the ‘system’ which abuses its powers, positions, connection, etc…in order to run the standard ‘time frame’ for criminal activity and in an effort to evade being held accountable. So it’s business as usual while all assistance is blocked, hindered and rendered useless because of simple phrases; such as, ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’ 
Under this interpretation or this philosophy, this creates and substantiates the need
for gang memberships and other groups. It is human nature for some to misuse power and clearly there will always be some who seek power out for misuse. There are those decent, moral people but they steer clear of the responsibility of leadership usually because they know that ‘power corrupts’ and that ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely.’
Yet; those in position will be the first
to vilify but the individual does not matter unless they can be the first to
sway major interest form large numbers. 

What happens to those who do not belong (whether by choice or not)? Do they not merit Justice or do they not matter?

Again, this book is not just for the aspiring artists and songwriters but is also beneficial for those who are interested in learning how the world that you live in actually operates.
In addition to downloading your copy, you should have a
printed copy for your bookshelf!







This letter shows that they were 
considering my civil rights!




 As you can tell by the time frame, I didn’t just run and write these tell-all books.
I waited, hoped, tried and begged for help prior to making this decision. I still hope that this book will reach the right person that is in a position to assist in resolving this matter. I am still going to look these officials in the eyes and find out why it is that people can bully others out of their rights using civil rights violations, intimidation, mail tampering, violence and more?

Questions: I have a list of groups, agencies, and attorneys that I contacted via mail or emails but either, no one could find a way for me or my attempts were hindered. In the past I had a co-worker reference me saying, ‘she is waiting for someone to save her’ but what he didn’t know is that I have always been able to save myself. I didn’t want to do this alone but I have no choice.
Many are definitely cooperating with my civil rights violations, probably under the
guise of protection or due to the Patriot Act. 
I am not a terrorist nor do I wish anything bad on America. 
I live in America and I have no rights! 

I have to admit that there are a lot of lawsuits filed that are based on real civil rights violations that actually happened but without legal representation combined with hard, physical evidence…some of these lawsuits are only filled with accusations, pain and despair. See the blatant disregard by the courts and officials @ 

Complaint of Judicial Misconduct

It has been quite an experience and hopefully this will be the beginning of my
healing. There is no real justification for the things we experience sometimes
but to get past the pain we have to really examine our situations to ensure
that it doesn’t continue. I waited twenty years for some kind of decency but
decency was refused. I grew tired of the roller-coaster ride, the games and
lies so I bear it all openly in these titles.

These publications, websites and comic book are derived from the
following titles:
‘I think I see why they keep justifying why I am left to die, subjected to continued inhumane treatment, thrown to the wolves so to speak.’
‘Every time I focus on fighting for my freedom and due to my life being so public; there is always some sick twisted jerk that goes out and commits some heinous act or crime that would inflict pain on an unsuspected party.’
Then, instead of blame being placed on whomever great  idea this was, I have to face the backlash. I am deeply saddened by the use of violence and for the families of those affected. I do not intend to be bullied out of my civil rights, privacy and peace of mind.
I didn’t ask for this nor was I asked or told anything regarding the reason for public
display or deliberate mistreatment.
Of the many legal battles to be fought, I launched this  campaign to shine the light on one of the major entities who are in a position to inform, assist and uphold justice but have ignored atrocities and request for intervention.  

What if you were posted up, displayed and misrepresented without your knowledge or consent? No one has ever said anything to me regarding why I have to be subjected to having no rights to Life, Liberty and Justice!



Bonuses, Updated, Full Versions…ONLY Available Direct from Publisher, SWP @ Approved Outlets shown below:,,





Copyright © 1993
P.O. BOX 400001, Las Vegas, NV 89140

For Your Review!

Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 

Bio Email Website | Twitter | YouTube | Online Store

E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: March 28, 2016 

If you would like to review documentation which supports each and every allegation found in our publications, on our websites and more, please visit: or
click the ‘tabs’ below:


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This book uses major music label contracts, public records and experiences to demonstrate firsthand what traps await our young aspiring artist by providing detailed information regarding methods and tactics used. There are no other books that will provide extensive knowledge regarding their process. These publications are not easily accessible through mainstream publishers solely due to the information provided within and due to conflicting with the goals of a billion-dollar industry.
Download Now $4.99

An un-cut non-fiction description of how the music entertainment business murders its artist and writers quietly behind the scenes. People usually assume that artist just sign bad deals that allow producers/managers to take everything but this is not always the case. It is important that people understand the ‘game’ and how it ultimately affects others.
 Download Now $4.99
This title is written based off true crime and actual events that officials saw fit to ignore. In this title, the court system has been placed under the microscope from the view of the everyday citizen to reveal how it really works for the less fortunate. This book demonstrate how some individuals are deliberately oppressed by those that are in positions to manipulate the courts to ensure injustice continues. Inside, some high profile cases are re-examined.
Download Now $4.99
Bonuses, Updated, Full
Versions…ONLY Available Direct from Publisher, SWP @ Approved Outlets
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& White

Your Rights CAN Be Deprived!

Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 

E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: December 14, 2015, Updated February 7, 2016

Help support my Booster Campaign to obtain legal representation @

Your Rights CAN Be deprived!

This post has been moved to ‘tab’ listed above as:

BREAKING NEWS: Officials acting ‘Under Color of Law!’ 

For supporting documentation for allegations, Visit:
In my situation, one of the first things that I did was to seek counsel. I sought legal counsel in Michigan, Las Vegas, NV and Atlanta, GA. I contacted a number of groups, agencies and organizations across the world for assistance but even with copyrights, 50/50 major music publishing contract, public records, search warrants, etc no one would help. Instead, I was blamed for atrocities and kept in the dark. 

While behind the scenes, the hurting of others continue so that they will hate you too…this is not a game!
It’s very important to explain that I have made every effort to try to correct this injustice. Understanding the complexity of this world and its court system, I reached out to many for
assistance by providing supporting documentation and requested intervention
from the beginning.


After being targeted for one or both reasons, I have had multiple musical works that I have created –
stolen, gutted, and used to inflict harm against me while the system profits. Take a moment to look up the words Keptocracy!
These same works generated hundreds of millions of dollars for others; yet, I received nothing but
threats. Instinctively knowing that there is a definite connection between the use of my works and my inability to receive any type of assistance in bringing the culprits to justice. This is difficult to accept especially after presenting supporting documents to substantiate my claims.
These continued incidents are instigated in the hopes that this will ensure that no one will support your fight for justice.
Those in or associated with the music industry have engaged in, encouraged and have allowed violent acts to incur solely due to their pride, greed and hate. 

In addition, for over two decades…Officials – while acting ‘under color of law,’ circumvented justice, hindered and enslaved daughter of man accused of murdering a Police Officer!
My father, Robert Heard allegedly killed a Detroit Police Office, Stanley Rapaski and Cass Czerwinski. I can’t help but wonder if Czerwinski is related to Democratic Representative Joseph C. Czerwinski because whoever is behind this is in position to hide the truth.Officials under collaboration with a billion dollar industry has used courts, judges, power, positions and connections with Music Business to exact revenge and for the purposes of making a profit from enslaved individuals. Who would you choose?

How would you react if you lived in a world where ANYONE could do ANYTHING to you for decades and no one would interfere or stop them because the ‘system’ is profiting from stealing your life? 

It’s not like no one knows about this blatant corruption but it is sad that people can stand by idly and do nothing when it is clear that this is so wrong. 


For supporting documentation for allegations, Visit:

Everything in these Articles and Books are based on fact and can be substantiated with documentation from public record. I only wish that I had someone take the time to share even a tiny bit of the information with me prior to my decision to pursue a career in the music industry.

I feel that these Articles and books differ because it doesn’t just give you words from one person’s viewpoint, it provides step by step documentation proving how the artist works are stolen and how they are able to continue stealing lives with this modern day form of enslavement.





Help support my Booster Campaign to obtain legal representation @

These book use a contract with major music publisher, copyrights, court records, personal experience and more to demonstrate tactics used to steal, oppress and destroy lives.

Find the answers to the many questions regarding how the music industry and this ‘system’ continues to operate with impunity in E.O.A.A. Educating Our Aspiring Artist  Weekly Articles Sponsored by SWP, LLCSubscribe!


For supporting documentation for allegations, Visit:

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BREAKING NEWS: Officials acting ‘Under Color of Law,’


Help support my Booster Campaign to obtain legal representation @

When you seek help, your efforts are blocked, hindered by mail tampering, use of technology to block emails, etc…


Corruption Causes Inaction, which effects EVERYONE!

Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 

E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: Thursday, September 10, 2015 
Corruption Leads Inaction
Even with substantial proof of deliberate criminal acts, 
unethical behavior, corruption, etc…I am being denied any 
and all legal assistance and/or legal representation and ALL 
of the agencies, organizations and groups that are supposed 
to address these allegations are pretending that they don’t 
see the rapes, the murders, civil rights violations and more!
I have multiple letters which blatantly disregard proof…It is not the lack of education but it is the corruption that is the reason why JUSTICE is impeded and hindered! 


I think that I am communicating very well…Don’t you think so?

Misogyny in Our Courts?

Created & Written By Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace 
E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: Friday, May 1, 2015 Updated and Re-posted March 24, 2016

Misogyny in Our Courts?

The legal system, police and courts refuse to acknowledge any claims in any case spanning years and even recent criminal acts involving police or judicial misconduct…while the public is used to spread rumors to justify modern day enslavement. 

The courts ignored actual violence and facts while attributing ‘violence’ to being a product of plaintiffs ovarian cystectomy (female surgery)… 
There was individuals who were assaulted, shot, double homicides, etc…but no one addressed or acknowledged each incident.
This is not only a Misogynist comment but clearly not a proper attitude for a representative of Justice. 

Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division

Tiwanda Lovelace, Pro Se Plaintiff,

Vs. Zomba Music Publishing, INC. and BMI Defendant,

 Case No. – 96-72270 – Hon. Bernard A. Friedman


See recent proof of mail tampering when seeking assistance:


My father, Robert Heard allegedly killed a Detroit Police Office, Stanley Rapaski and Cass Czerwinski. I can’t help but wonder if Czerwinski is related to Democratic Representative Joseph C. Czerwinski because whoever is behind this is in position to hide the truth.

If the police and courts blatantly ignore facts regarding corruption, violence, mail-tampering, etc…
After being homeless for more than (2) two  years, I finally found a place but it was short lived because of further abuse.
Recently, I had a neighbor that banged on my walls, blasted music and actually threaten me with
bodily harm to the point where the landlord got involved and took it to court. 
Even with multiple police reports, the courts or officials refused to ticket him, evict him or addressed any complaints. So after being homeless for two years (sleeping in shelters, relatives and cars) I was forced to listen to loud music base and neighbors beating my walls while the police ignored complaints.
Let me do anything to you for decades and then you can say what you want about it!
How do you combat the law when it refuses to work or acknowledge you because of who you are?
How do you gain support from a public that believes that you are the moving force behind
multiple murders?
 How do you win a public that believes that popularity dictates whether you have the ability to have rights?
How do you combat lies that you are responsible for loss of life when others are murdering and
manipulating while blaming you while you are left in the dark?
Yes, you are damn right! I am putting it all out there because I have been denied and have
received unwarranted public persecution for way too long (decades) to satisfy vengeful and
greedy entities.
Persons in positions are harboring grudges continuously work to rob you of your chances. Those who are privy to information and placed in positions to have an effect on the life of selected individuals could utilize events to their own benefit. Imagine some having access and the skill to impede or thwart their progress with manipulations to hinder support.
The human factor cannot be ignored and unfortunately when given an opportunity to rear its ugly
head, treachery is usually not too far behind. Imagine scorned individuals lurking, sneaking to poison others opportunities.
It is not me that is drudging and dwelling on the following events but it is the constant persecution that I am forced to endure because of the impact of events that have and are happening behind the scenes.
It is the will of those in positions that are using every contact, position to induce harm which
can only be attributed to these past events because I have no other associates or family left that can be used to influence harm.
If you don’t feel that any of my allegations are valid then why is it that there is continued
questionable mail tampering decades later when involving exposing these events?
Why are there multiple instances of Courts misconduct; wherein, actual violence and clear
judicial misconduct has been ignored?
Why haven’t any of these officials answered any one of the valid complaints and allegations or
challenged any of these facts?
Why is it so important to control or limit the information provided?
Why hinder contact or interfere with mailed packages?
Who do you know that had an open and shut copyright infringement and breach of contract case but no one would represent?
If there is no truth to these multitude of claims, why not allow recourse or representation so that
these civil rights violations can be addressed?
Yes, you are damn right! I am putting it all out there because I have been denied and have received unwarranted persecution for way too long to satisfy vengeful and greedy entities.
Persons harboring grudges continuously work to rob you of your chances. Those who are privy to information and placed in positions to have an effect on the life of selected individuals could utilize events to their own benefit. Imagine some having access and the skill to impede or thwart their progress with manipulations to hinder support.
This is stats from (1) one of the websites used to expose blatant atrocities – shows over 271,560 views!
The human factor cannot be ignored and unfortunately when given an opportunity to rear its ugly head, treachery is usually not too far behind. Imagine scorned individuals lurking, sneaking to poison others opportunities.
It is not me that is drudging and dwelling on the following events but it is the constant persecution that I am forced to endure because of the impact of events that have and are happening behind the scenes.
It is the will of those in positions that are using every contact, position to induce harm which can only be attributed to these past events because I have no other associates or family left that can be used to influence harm.
If you don’t feel that any of my allegations are valid then why is it that there is continued questionable mail tampering decades later when involving exposing these events?
Why are there multiple instances of Courts misconduct; wherein, actual violence and clear judicial misconduct has been ignored?
Why haven’t any of these officials answered any one of the valid complaints and allegations or challenged any of these facts?
Why is it so important to control or limit the information provided?
Why hinder contact or interfere with mailed packages?
Who do you know that had an open and shut copyright infringement and breach of contract case but no one would represent?
If there is no truth to these multitude of claims, why not allow recourse or representation so that these civil rights violations can be addressed?








20+ Years is Enough! –

Unfair Competition & Trade Practices –

Who is it that I am I supposed to run to after decades of everyone accepting and allowing the blatant violations of individuals rights? If anyone in particular could have intervened, they should have done so but it is easier to continue to ignore.

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