Archive | December 2014

Music Business: Tricks of the Trade! Please use this link: For some unknown reason my WordPress Blog hasn’t been posting my scheduled Post correctly for the last two weeks…

E.O.A.A WEEKLYFriday, December 19, 2014, Written by Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace Bio | Email Website | Twitter | YouTube | Online Store 

“The information in this 
article derived in full and in part from 
Music, Murder and Mayhem – A True Story! 
and Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!
All copyrights reserved”
Music Business: Tricks of the Trade!

“Understanding the Game!’

In my previous Article: 6, “What’s in Your Contract?” I mentioned the importance of reviewing your contracts and knowing what to look for in your agreement. I feel the need to provide more information regarding specific parts of your agreements.
In the beginning of my venture at seeking a career in music, I wish that I would have had someone to share the whole truth about the business with me.  
When you sign a music related or music publishing contract, it should be ‘a given’ and fully understood that they would want to pursue royalties. You would think that they would want to defend your work; especially, when they are contracted to receive a percentage of your work because you are a part of their team.
The first thing that comes to mind is that you are protected by this major music publishing company. You believe that they will fight for you 0because they have a stake in your work as well… but in most cases – this is far from the truth.
You would think that most attorney’s would jump at an opportunity to represent a plaintiff against copyright infringement; wherein, copyrights were secured, publishing contracts, proof of mailing, phone records, and recordings
of works which were maintained.
I am speaking to you from personal experience when I tell you exactly how it is done. I can provide documented proof of any and all accusations regarding the practices of those in the music business. I am able to demonstrate exactly how the ‘system’
enables and assist with the dehumanization that has been allowed to continue for decades.
Although you may already be aware, I signed a 50/50 Co-Publishing contract wherein I was promised compensation for lyrics and melodies.
Prior to signing with a major music publishing company, I consulted with two separate entertainment attorneys (One of these lawyers was referred by the Bar Association).  
Remember, the simple fact that any well-established entertainment attorney that encourages signing a ‘standard’ contract for low figures, is not looking out for their clients interest.

All entertainment attorney’s know that when the deal sours, any potential attorney that the artist seeks out for assistance will require a very large retainer after the damage is done.
There has to be something unethical about an attorney working against individual artist when that attorney has full knowledge of how the industry operates; yet, they trade favors and artist like slaves.
I never received any monies for the numerous works submitted; which were over forty compilations of lyrics and melodies that miraculously found their way on the radio and up the charts. 
There were no management or producer contracts (signed or otherwise that could be used) to justify refusing payments but this co-publishing contract was not honored but used to take and avoid paying royalties.
Let me demonstrate how the process really works most of the time.
The contracts presented will proudly list all of the major labels and their casting list that are given to you shows popular artist names that they say will be used to shop your materials.
Below this article is a copy of an actual contract portion listing most of the major labels and record companies:

These representatives of Zomba/Jive/BMG used the contract to solicit musical works from its own writers and afterwards parts of works are taken (or materials gutted).
After these gutted works begin to be played in constant rotation, then in their defense of copyright infringements, they used this same contract to state that they can choose not to pursue your infringements.
Although the courts never even allowed the case to be presented (unjustly, dismissed without valid cause), the attorney for the major music publishing company attempted to utilize that ‘standard’ contract in their defense. SEE BELOW:

(Below is an actual portion of a major music publishing company’s contract that is used as a defense against allegations of copyrights infringements):


The kicker is, in the beginning they exaggerate their interest in offering you an opportunity for recording artist deal while their true intentions and purpose is that they are actually ‘working’ you for materials after giving a little up-front compensation.
Later, they will state in their defense that ‘you refused to pursue claims’. 

Pursue claims…with what?
They offer a very small amount for initial investment with full knowledge that after they steal your material, any attorney that is in a position to help would require an enormous amount of money for a retainer in order to represent you. 

Other than the few dollars for the initial song, I never received a dime but I was forced to listen to my materials on the radio that were ‘gutted.’ However, I did received threats and became victims of acts of violence and civil rights violations. I can only imagine what Sara Baartman had to endure.
The entire ‘system’ encourages the use of the music business as a tool for the influential and powerful to continue to conduct its ‘business’ of stealing lives. I can tell you that this music ‘game’ will leave you starving, bleeding on the side of the road and fighting everyone – literally. 

When I researched the business, there were no books that told the ugly truth. There are no books that tell you that your contracts and copyrights don’t mean anything to a system geared to protect the wealthy. There are no books that tell you that you have no rights when you don’t have tens of thousands of dollars for a lawyer’s retainer.

There will be so many lies and everyone will believe everything said about you without question and you will be unable to maintain employment or attempt to earn any type of living.
It is important that people understand the ‘game’ and how it ultimately affects others.
While contracted with Zomba, I submitted over 40 song lyrics and melodies that were discussed in detail with their representatives and some listed directly in the contract.
They cut, chop and shop your work. They take all of the profits and then tell you that they can choose NOT to pursue your copyright infringements when they themselves are most likely the culprits.
What is truly sad is that these people don’t have to run the business this way but they choose to conduct business in this manner. It would be more profitable to be decent but that would be too much like right.
Conveniently, they can use this contract to basically take your work or even allow your works to be used without pursuing your interest.
Again, I am speaking to you from personal experience when I tell you exactly how it is done. In my experience, I never had the chance to go before the Judge. He completely disregarded my copyrights and ignored my request for counsel.
Don’t forget about the ‘built-in Conflict of Interest concern; in that, no entertainment attorney is going to fight for you against major music labels if it means risking their opportunity for future business.
I filed a lawsuit against BMI, Zomba and Jive because of their lack of response to my request as to how BMG, MCA, EMI, WEA, Polygram and Jive have released songs which blatantly infringe upon my copyrights. I sent these lyrics to Zomba
and discussed these works in detail.
Ultimately, in spite of having copyrights secured by myself, copies of materials, copies of receipts for overnight mailings, and other correspondences submitted to Zomba representatives, it did not matter. My revised complaint complied completely with Fed. Rules of Civil Procedure but the courts responded as if they did not receive this revised copy. Review the Proof yourself at: Breaking News 

Review the Proof yourself at: Breaking News ! (click here or see below – Breaking News: The Business of Music: Operating wi…)
I provided copies of copyrights. I provided proof of certified mailings and other documents to support that I required courts assistance.
Although I requested assistance from the DOJ and the courts due to violence, I was denied. The acts of violence bestowed upon my family, friend and others were ignored and all of my supporting documents; such as, copyrights, certified mail
receipt, etc… were referred to as miscellaneous papers.
The courts dismissed my case as frivolous preventing me an opportunity to have my case heard.
Judge Bernard A. Friedman cited that my complaint was bizarre, irrational and indeed delusional. Judge Friedman continues to state that the complaint is fanciful and delusional. I didn’t know that copyrights and certified mail receipts were miscellaneous papers.
 ‘‘It is easier to ignore facts and allow corruption to continue by claiming that my complaint was bizarre, irrational and indeed delusional but I didn’t imagine bullet holes, family members assaulted, friend and house shot up, my songs ‘gutted’ and played on the radio…
Clearly, I have been denied my rights and they continue to deprive others for decades using the methods listed above.
The fact that these agency and groups that are neglecting to acknowledge blatant wrongs; they’re inaction whether direct or indirect, inadvertently supports this injustice. Promoting deprivation of rights when an obvious injustice is ignored.
When any other corporation is found to be in violation of someone’s rights or involved in any unethical behavior, they are held liable.
How is it that an industry can deprive rights and deny compensation from their employees (artist/producers) without being held accountable for decades?
These major record labels BMG, MCA, PolyGram, EMI, the Sony Group or the WEA Group are listed in the contract and in the casting sheets. They are sent out to their roster of writers in order to shop with these multiple label’s Artist. After placement of ‘gutted’ works, they decide who they choose to pay or who not to.
These ‘entities’ mentioned in defendant’s response were on Zomba’s casting list and in contract showing that not only did Zomba work with them to place songs; shortly after contract their name changed to Zomba/BMG. 
Zomba’s defense attorney stated in their response regarding songs that were in question that ‘allegations were unclear.’ However; prior to filing suit against them I received a letter stating that they were investigating my claims.
In fact, Zomba denied even receiving or having any works in spite of my return receipts and although some of the songs mentioned in copyright infringements were listed, were actually referenced and within my co-publishing agreement.
‘The Recipe’ has been mastered and fine-tuned to make this dehumanization of mankind an acceptable form of modern day slavery. The situation is presented to the public in many different ways to justify and encourage further abuse.
When reviewing and comparing the allegations of copyright infringements, civil rights violations, etc… listed in Lovelace vs. Zomba AND Lovelace vs. Dekalb County Police it is apparent that they work together in a combined effort to
I say this because when attempting to seek resolution you are faced with the following:
Being denied representation because of either a ‘conflict of interest’ issue due to the industry being controlled. Events are creating to discourage any assistance
2.   The fact that no entertainment attorney wants to slug it out on your behalf for fear of preventing further or future business.
3.    Most attorneys require a very large retainer that the artist usually doesn’t have. The lack of funds is usually because the initial attorney had advised this artist that the contract with low figures were standard in the business encouraging acceptance.  
4.    Under false pretense, promises and manipulation, the publishing or record take your materials/works.  The publishing or record company contract will then state that your contract says that we can choose not to pursue your claims.
5.   You are faced with major opposition from multiple sources. I have had multiple major companies violate the Federal Trade Commission Fair Trade Act and Competition Laws.
There are many who have assisted with hindering my efforts in promoting and marketing my Titles by creating fake sellers, re-routed links to other products, listed titles in the wrong categories and listed incorrect prices.
These other companies are and were circumventing justice when I was promoting my books that were exposing the blatant tactics and methods subjected.
Let’s just say that I no longer wonder why people would easily associate the word ‘slave’ with the music business and the prison system. The courts only seem to recognize the goals of the major corporations.
In short the ‘individual’ does not have rights! Anyone can be presented as undeserving and be denied justice so be aware when you sign any contract!
This may not be everyone’s experience but I can tell you that none of them receives ALL of their compensation, if any.
Remember, there is no such thing as half-way crooks! If any of them can get away with not paying you, they will (even if they have to create reasons why they shouldn’t).
Everything in these Articles and Books are based on fact and can be substantiated with documentation from public record.
I only wish that I had someone take the time to share even a tiny bit of the information with me prior to my decision to pursue a career in the music industry.
Those rights that you believe that you have and are counting own having are simply non-existent.
Your copyrights are useless because the courts that are supposed to enforce the laws will bend to the will of the rich and powerful.
This reminds me of one particular instance where a contract was used to justify blatant injustice in the case of Sara Baartman.
The Sara Baartman’s of today are still put in positions to be killed, never compensated, put on display, lied on and manipulated against, left to die, to be raped and dehumanized. My previous blog tells of her story and can be found at:

Again, there has to be something unethical about working against individual artists and writers when they have
full knowledge of how the industry operates; yet, they trade favors and artist like slaves. 

I will discuss in great detail the problem with the entertainment attorney’s and the issue of ‘Conflict of Interest’ in next week’s Article 8: Conflict of Interest and the Music Business! – Release date – October 3, 2014!

Everything in these Articles and Books are based on fact and can be substantiated with documentation from public record. I only wish that I had someone take the time to share even a tiny bit of the information with me prior to my decision to
pursue a career in the music industry.
Those rights that you believe that you have and are counting own having are simply non-existent. Your copyrights are useless because the courts that are supposed to enforce the laws will bend to the will of the rich and powerful.
didn’t just run out and write a tell-all book. It wasn’t until many years later
that I decided to write my first book on the subject entitled,
Business: It’s a Dirty Game!
feel that these Articles and books differ because it doesn’t just give you
words from one person’s viewpoint, it provides step by step documentation
proving how the artist works are stolen and how they are able to continue
stealing lives with this modern day form of enslavement. This book uses
contracts with major music publisher, copyrights, court records and more to
demonstrate tactics used to steal, oppress and destroy lives.
My plight is not just about a broken heart, it’s not about greed, and
it’s not about revenge. I don’t have time to be running around blaming and trying to hurt people. I am too busy struggling and trying to live. It’s about obtaining true freedom from oppressors who
have deliberately used lies, money, power and positions to create a form of


Being that Music is affecting so many lives, a part of everyone’s life and that it is in everything from politics to religion…denying individuals their rights is bad business and we should all make music our business to prevent this from continuing to destroy lives!

Learn, don’t get burned!

Find the answers to the many questions
regarding how the music industry and this ‘system’ continues to operate with
impunity in E.O.A.A. Educating Our Aspiring Artist  Weekly Articles Sponsored
by SWP, LLC…
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For more detailed information regarding the
many groups and what it means to be properly aligned, I encourage you to read
Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!
This title is also in an eBook form available

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Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace

Owner, Founder of Seven West Productions

Show Your Support! Please use this link: For some unknown reason my WordPress Blog hasn’t been posting my scheduled Post correctly for the last two weeks…

Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace Bio Email Website | Twitter | YouTube | Online Store
E.O.A.A. Weekly News Article: Friday, December 26, 2014 
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Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace

Owner, Founder of Seven West Productions

“Artist, Writers and Producers – Beware!” Please use this link: For some unknown reason my WordPress Blog hasn’t been posting my scheduled Post correctly for the last two weeks… Copy Link –


Monday, December 01, 2014 – Post Written by Tiwanda Lovelace 
Bio| | Website  Twitter   YouTube  Online Store



 (Please excuse formatting issues, error lies within conversion
and are unexplained issues within html.)
I am glad that some of the public has taken an interest in my blogs; however, I do not believe that most have a complete understanding of my plight!
Regarding my state of mind, I am truly disappointed and disheartened but I am not bitter or embittered. I do not and will not just except the inability to even pursue or to seek justice.
I can honestly say that my musical lyrics and melodies successfully made the top of the charts for decades! My work being used was confirmation that I was successful in what I was producing musically. Talent was never an issue and true ‘Success’ is not always determined by name recognition or
I can assure you that my inability to obtain my royalties for the many stolen musical work was not because of me not working hard or not because of an inability to build relationships.
I felt compelled to share. Not everyone is just bitter; instead, they choose to address their violations with actions. These victims deserve the opportunity to seek justice but that option is denied often because people often sum up their experience with one liner’s like – It’s a ‘Hard-Knock Life’, or as some state or imply, ‘Such is Life’ and ‘they are just bitter.’
There are those who have been a victim in spite of have had their copyrights, legal representation, supporting documentation, etc… but it was ignored or they were never able to secure thousands for a legal retainer or find proper counsel that would be equipped to pursue litigation. I hate to go there but if you are not of a minority or if not a male (in a male dominated industry) you cannot even imagine what can happen and has happened to its victims; especially, those who are females!
My point is that
I don’t think that you can really compare the music industry to other
industries because other industries are held accountable when they blatantly
violate individuals. This cannot be said about the music business because they
operate with impunity for decades! Their victims deserve more than being
accused of being bitter or embittered.
I will respect
your rights to express your thoughts but I encourage you to learn from others
experiences!  Please don’t forget those who are or have been deprived
of their opportunities; which includes, being denied the opportunity to even
seek proper resolution!
When you say,
‘Such as Life!’ or blame the victim, you are refusing to acknowledge or you are just unaware of the
shady practices used in the music industry. Therefore, you only condone these
violations by placing blame on the victims instead of a system that encourages
this behavior!
Unfortunately, it’s people that hide that
truth about the music industry who are the reasons why there are so many
victims because you assist in maintaining the lies.
I personally have
written many articles on the business of music that details some of the many
reasons why some songwriters are not successful. I would like to encourage you
to read up on what’s really going on before you minimize others
In my articles, I
provide actual steps that can be taken in order to avoid pitfalls and I provide
information to assist in preventing victims.
This is not a matter of not having
This is not a matter of not seeking or having
Legal Representation!!!
This is not an issue of signing away
percentages because it was only a Single 50/50 Co-Publishing Agreement with
Zomba, a Major Music Publishing! Not only did this Major Music publisher
Neglect to Protect their own Writer’s but they deliberately Failed to
Pursue Interest in Copyright Infringements associated to hundreds of millions
of dollars…
Why do you think that a company that has a
(50) Fifty Percent Interest in Musical Works would actually refuse to pursue
claims which were supported by factual documentation, split-sheets, certified
mail receipts and certified, sealed copyrights?
Why is it while you attempt to pursue your
claims and allegations, you are met with Violence, Harassment, Accusations and
Coincidental Hardships? 
It is your individual decision to ignore my recommendations and warnings regarding conducting
business in that industry from experienced individuals.
Tiwanda Lovelace,
Founder of Seven West Productions, LLC

For twenty years, those in position have had a head start on ensuring that I was left in the dark while all of the gory details have been blamed on me. For twenty years, people have just accepted without question whatever excuse that has been provided to them. For twenty years, people have conspired to hide the truth. I know that I am not the only one that has been wronged! Trust me, I know…


However, I am the only one that has to fight teams, groups and EVERYONE! I have and continue to face extreme opposition!

For supporting documentation, please visit:


Unfair and Unnecessary Opposition

                       20+ Years is Enough!

Although, it is important for you to view the music industry as a business and not just see the people who are in front of you or those who have been presented to you. In most cases, these individuals that are presented to you are mere representatives of interested parties or groups.
The business side of the music business is a complicated, compounded structure because there are many parts moving in connection to others. Racism and sexism has definitely played its role in this.
With the kind of power that comes from a billion dollar industry, over the years there has been people who have come together to form alliances because history has proven that there is safety in numbers. These groups are referred to by many names but the purpose was to prevent these people with power and money from brutally inflicting their own philosophies onto individual victims without recourse.

These same groups that were meant to prevent those with power and money from brutally inflicting their own philosophies onto individual victims without recourse; instead chose to use their resources in the same manner that they were established to prevent.
While infiltrating the situation, each entity completely disregarded the individual most likely because of race and sex. 

In fact, she was denied proper resolution due to her lack of status and their own male chauvinistic views.

Suddenly, this individual stands up for herself and refused to accept others preconceived notions about what her position should be.
I was that female and I had no knowledge of what was going on behind the scenes. I only knew that I was being persecuted by powerful groups and entities that ensured that many other groups were also affected to secure their compliance and the public’s complacency. After writing (3) three books on my experiences, I decided to start a publishing company so that I can ensure that my work remains whole and so that I could increase awareness. At every turn, I have been hindered and my company has been subjected to multiple unfair trade practices and unfair competition. 

For more supporting documentation, please visit:

Unfair and Unnecessary Opposition


Although financial gain was their goal, somehow the situation was manipulated and transformed into some righteous plight. They made the conscious decision to go with the ‘normal’ process or this twisted ‘game’ where they send their representatives to line up to come for you as a show of power. 

Many individuals have infiltrated my life; family and friends with the sole purpose of penalizing her for not cooperating with their undisclosed plans. They combined the efforts of a male dominated system and covered all bases to ensure oppression all while I am forced to carry blame.

For twenty years, they have used their positions and have lied, connived, manipulated and murdered to ensure that all assistance is thwarted. They present her in whatever way will prevent support when they were responsible due to their own greed. There lies are burrowed so deep into the minds of many so that the only thing that will break through is the ‘Ugly Truth.’

Although she maintained copyrights, legal representation, supporting
documentation, etc… but EVERYTHING was ignored and she was never able to secure
thousands for a legal retainer or find proper counsel that would be equipped to
pursue litigation. 

I decided that since I don’t have an army of people behind me and because every door (seemingly) has been blocked due to others lies and manipulations. I felt that this is the only way to defend myself and my actions after twenty years of carrying the weight of the world. I waited, hoped, tried and begged for help prior to making this decision. I write in the hopes that these books and websites will reach the right person that is in a position to assist in resolving this nightmare.

With each attempt to obtain freedom, these individuals completely manipulated the situation to place blame on the initial victim. They continue to present her efforts as a form of betrayal when in reality they were no different than the initial individuals they pretended to intervene with. They offer compensation and acceptance to anyone who assist.

For supporting documentation, please visit:


Unfair and Unnecessary Opposition

                       20+ Years is Enough!


For over twenty years, they have stolen my entire life and I refuse to allow any of them to continue to profit from this situation. From the bottom to the top of this food chain, these individuals will be forced to accept responsibility for the actions and participation in this man-made nightmare.

People are always mocking me for being naïve when trusting family and friends by allowing myself to be used but they all are being used in the deliberate torture and abuse of another human being for the benefit of those who are truly responsible. Each of these groups use the public by lying, hurting others, manipulating and by making false promises. They use every resource know to mankind, from technology to simply using misinformed human beings.

It pains what’s left of my heart to see so many cooperate with their plans to prevent justice and circumvent the truth of this situation. I will continue to fight this abuse of power and undo the many decades of lies and to tear down the walls that were built against my efforts.

I have seen people crushed when forced to participate in inflicting harm. I have seen people intimidated into cooperating. I have seen more than my fair share of those who enjoy this twisted process of dehumanization. I have seen it all but it does not weaken my resolve. I have endured more heinous acts than those deemed the worst human beings in order to induce suicide so that others may be absolved of their contributions to maintaining this modern day slavery.

Inaction is truly the greatest sin of all!

No matter how it is presented, this situation is more than the usual ‘games’ and those who pretend as if it is a game – IT IS NOT! 

Real people are really being hurt, violated and abused by this mass manipulation!

Just because the world is morally challenged does not mean that we should blindly follow because it is more likely that you are being led by deceivers. This is not about any one man’s actions or about love, just manipulation after manipulation. This is not about revenge because I attempted to move on with my life but the opposition became too great.

The initial individuals along with the groups that were supposed to prevent those with power and money from brutally inflicting their own philosophies onto individual victims without recourse are all GUILTY of the same crimes! Instead of using their positions to correct or even address matters, these entities chose to add intimidation and joint efforts to compound the situation. Instead of messages of hope and encouragement, I received further abuse initiated to induce harm and hopelessness.

Yes; after twenty years of enduring all kinds of deliberate, man-made atrocities, I am taking no prisoners and the gloves are off. I would never assist in deliberately hurting another human being. I am no saint but I am a far cry from being like those who could stand by and allow the destruction of lives. I know that it will be difficult to go up against twenty years of deceit and manipulations against myself but I have no other choice.

If you are an artist, writer or producer or just an interested party, know that my plight and these titles divulge the true facts and proof regarding the behind the scenes process that others will never tell.

Well I have developed these titles and websites in order to provide a much needed product unlike no other. these products can be used to prevent this from happening on this large a scale to someone else. These products can prevent further destruction of lives by preparing others. Of course, it is my goal to use any profits to buy my freedom and provide protection from this system that continues to refuse to recognize my humanity.

Although my intentions have never been to hurt anyone, when people buy everyday products they don’t evaluate the maker’s intentions. People simply buy what they need and a good product speaks for itself.

Although you may not know it, YOU need this product in order to see the world and how even in year of 2014, people can be deliberately sacrificed, subjected out of greed and hate with the cooperation of many right under your noses. It’s time for a Change!

In history we learn about those who stood up for what is right; yet, Rosa Parks died in a simple home with very little for her sacrifice. Other who have made great sacrifices for the greater good but we as human beings do not live as if we appreciate the message that they sent. I am no Hero or Savior but I believe in standing up for yourself and for what is right. These books provide documented proof of these tactics and methods used and promoted exposing hardcore corruption involving Officials and the Music Business.

There have been too much negativity associated with my efforts to obtain freedom. It is like as long as you go along with the destruction of others then you will be rewarded and if not you will receive some ridiculously low figure for your decades of man-made hell.

I am not that type of person who would assist and I will not allow anyone to force me to accept sub-human compensation for my twenty-seven plus years of deliberately inflicted abuse…

All the torture in the world will not change that.

Although I have sold no copies, it is not all about my profits but the only way to get true justice is to have an effect on the profits!

Those who dehumanize and allow the dehumanization of mankind for profits will definitely intervene when facts are presented that reduce the number of victims and supporters for this type of system.

For more information regarding these events, additional supporting documentation can be found at:

Or Click Here!


Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace,
Founder of Seven West Productions

Find the answers to the many questions regarding how the music industry and this ‘system’ continues to operate with impunity in E.O.A.A. Educating Our Aspiring Artist Weekly Articles Sponsored by SWP, LLC…Subscribe!

Those rights that you believe that you have and are counting own having are simply non-existent. Your copyrights are useless because the courts that are supposed to enforce the laws will bend to the will of the rich and powerful.


I didn’t just run out and write a tell-all book. It wasn’t until many years later that I decided to write my first book on the subject entitled, Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!

I feel that these Articles and books differ because it doesn’t just give you words from one person’s viewpoint, it provides step by step documentation proving how the artist works are stolen and how they are able to continue stealing lives with this modern day form of enslavement. 

These books use contracts with major music publisher, copyrights, court records and more to demonstrate tactics used to steal, oppress and destroy lives.

My plight is not just about a broken heart, it’s not about greed, and it’s not about revenge. I don’t have time to be running around blaming and trying to hurt people. I am too busy struggling and trying to live. It’s about obtaining true freedom from oppressors who have deliberately used lies, money, power and positions to create a form of enslavement. 

  Being that Music is affecting so many lives, a part of 

everyone’s life and that it is in everything from politics to 

religion…denying individuals their rights is bad business and 

we should all make music our business to prevent this from 

continuing to destroy lives!

Learn, don’t get burned!
Shop our Publications!

Tiwanda “Ne Ne” Lovelace
Founder, Managing Member of Seven West Productions, LLC,
Blog Enthusiast, Author, Lyricist and Poet

             BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE!



Find the answers to the many questions regarding how the music industry and this ‘system’ continues to operate with impunity in E.O.A.A. Educating Our Aspiring Artist  Weekly Articles Sponsored by SWP, LLC…Subscribe!

Share this:
For more detailed information regarding the many groups and what it means to be properly aligned, I encourage you to read Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!

This title is also in an eBook form available at:
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Icons by DryIcons

A young man attempted to berate my fight for 

my rights by referencing the dates as if 
violations of my civil rights expires or that it 
does not matter. 
Chains – 
Invisible or Visible 
are still…Chains!
There are no Statutes of Limitations 
on Violations of Civil Rights, Threats and 
Intimidation Tactics, Obstruction of Justice, 
mail tampering, deliberate abuse, etc..!
Just because I am Black does not negate my 
rights to justice!
Just because I am a Woman does not invalidate 
my copyrights!
Just because I am not a man does not make it 
okay to use their positions and power to 
manipulate or orchestrate events 
to circumvent justice!


Everyday and in Every way, 
I will fight for my rights to justice. 
I could accept it if I had set out to do harm or if I had not protected myself with copyrights and 
if I did not maintain thorough documentation 
but for them to just gang up, line up to take my materials and then attempt to cause duress and influence suicide…


They sought me out with hate in their heart!



Music Business: It’s a Dirty Game!
Autobiography of Tiwanda Gail ‘Ne Ne’ Lovelace
Not Everyone Buckles Under Pressure,
Not Everyone Goes Insane…
Some Just Write a Book About It!
Written by Lovelace, she exposes corruption in the music industry. She proves it using supporting documents, copyrights, public records, court documents, journal entries, and contracts. 
Many have found Lovelace’s book to be an interesting and thought-driven read. Having been in the music industry since 1991, our company has more than 21 years of experience. She is now determined to help others before they sign a contract with a major company. It is her goal to ensure that every aspiring artist is fully equipped before they sign.
Lovelace also recognizes that almost everyone knows someone who is an aspiring artist, musician, producer or dancer. We also recognized that well-informed people, make better decisions so by fully equipping our youth with knowledge obtained from others experiences, we can prevent them from being victimize; therefore, have less prodigal sons and daughters. 
Since I have received an extreme amount of opposition, I need your help raising awareness and reaching others who are in a position to work through organizations/foundations or companies to fully equip our aspiring young adult artist.
SWP, LLC has compiled a set of books which shed light on the
darkest side of the business of music. SWP, LLC not only provides the un-cut,
jaw-dropping truth but they provide factual information and documented proof.
SWP provides much needed information that cannot be found
elsewhere to those interested in the Music Business and Aspiring Artist. These
titles are informational, educational and are not just for entertainment
There are no other Books that will provide extensive
knowledge regarding their process and how entertainment\ law will not help
against these powerful lawyers who control the business.  
These publications are not easily accessible
through mainstream publishers solely due to the information provided within and
due to conflicting with the goals of a billion dollar industry.
SWP, LLC has compiled a set of books which shed light on the
darkest side of the business of music. These titles are informational and not
just for entertainment purposes.
I feel that these Articles and books differ because it
doesn’t just give you words from one person’s viewpoint, it provides step by
step documentation proving how the artist works are stolen and how they are
able to continue stealing lives with this modern day form of enslavement. This book
uses contracts with major music publisher, copyrights, court records and more
to demonstrate tactics used to steal, oppress and destroy lives.
My plight is not just about a broken heart, it’s not about
greed, and it’s not about revenge.
Being that Music is affect so many and it is a part of
everyone’s life – from politics to religion…
Many aspiring artist, writers and producers are being denied
the opportunity to even seek or pursue their claims of ‘conflict of interest’
and copyright infringements because of blatant corruption. 
Instead, their
plight to obtain justice is hindered and events are manipulated that turn their
lives into a spectacle. This is bad business and we should all make the music
industry our business in order to prevent this industry from destroying more
Copyright © 2013 Created and Written by Tiwanda ‘Ne Ne’
Lovelace All rights reserved.